60 most amazing places on the earth you should visit

This world has a lot of mysteries for those who like to explore. Of the triangle of the Bermuda at the church of the Holy Sepulcher, the planet Earth offers all kinds of

This world has a lot of mysteries for those who like to explore. From Bermuda Triangle to the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, the planet Earth offers all kinds of mysteries to solve. Some will excite you, some will amaze you and some will make your blood cold with fear. Here is the list of places with mysteries that no scientists, researchers or explorers could solve.

San Luis Valley

San Luis Valley's desert falling in southern Colorado has its own Google card. The map has recorded many paranormal activities that have only been heard according to reports, a flying humanoid has been observed in 2009. Not to mention this valley is also famous for being the largest alpine valley in the world. In addition, the valley has brought several observations from Bigfoot and with that, it also houses the ranch that "appeared in the waves of mutilation [animal] of the" 70 ". The discovery of the snittle stones made all the valley. served as a house for man or abroad for centuries.

Nazca Desert

You must have heard this name for the mysterious lines that exist in the desert of the southern Nazca of Peru. These lines are known as lines of Nazca stalls more than 19 square miles of the desert. It is located about 260 miles south of Lima. It is believed that the signs have been designed by some 500 ECB and 500 EC.

Skinwalker Ranch

"Skinwalker Ranch" has been presented in many movies thanks to Bizarre and mysterious Sights sites. It is because of its mysterious nature that the ranch was presented in the documentary series "Extraordinary Beliefs". Interestingly, the name of the ranch is inspired by the legends that speak of harmful witches that have the ability to turn into an animal. They can also possess them.

The Zona del Silencio (silence area)

You will feel something about this place alone. This region of 30 square miles is located in the middle of the desert of northern Mexico. There are many legends associated with this place, of them, is about three people who frequently visit the place to help people in need. According to popular belief, there are two men and a woman who speaks Spanish goes to the door and asks the owners to pour fresh water into their canteens and disappears. We asked where are they from their answer they came "from above". Nobody knows whether it is a myth or a real, but the extent of the possibility has had a little more affected to its possibility when a researcher has also been helped by three people when 'Is lost to get lost the trio mentioned earlier. Strangely, the trio disappeared after helping him back to his camp.


Watch the trees of this forest are not strange shaped? It is a jungle located in extremely western Poland near the German border. Surprisingly, the tree in this forest grows at an angle of 90 degrees at its base. Nobody is clear about reason. What's more, around the twisted forest is a non-twisted forest of trees. Trees derive right. It is in the 1930s the twisted forest trees have been planted and the curve of the tree arrived after 10 years. According to a theory, this strange shape of these trees is caused by a very strong gravitational traction on this part of the earth.

Plain of pots

These are massive stone pots found in Laos. Although no one knows where comes from, there are many stories justifying the existence of these pots. One of them calls that the last vestiges of the society of the giants and their king who kept rice wine. There is another explanation that sees these pots like the rainwater collector or maybe used as funeral urns. The theory concerning the ballot box seems to be closest to reality that human remains have been found near pots.

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