These divers have found a city lost for more than thousands of years and its relics underwater!

Egypt has long been a place of mystery that it is because of the pyramids that the issues surrounding have not been resolved until the date or sphinx. But it's

Egypt has long been a place of mystery that it is because of the pyramids that the issues surrounding have not been resolved until the date or sphinx. But they are not all the mysteries of this old land. It houses much more, some almost a myth, not solved, not discovered. Some, sail of some have been lifted and the truth has surprised the world. It is the discovery of such a mystery, that many people did not even know existed in the first place.

The city

Unlike the city of Pompei and Babylon, the city of Thonis-Heracleion is not very well known. The reason? He has been lost for more than 2500 years now and some had begun to believe that it did not exist in the first place. How and where was it, is not as interesting as it was found. When a group of dedicated archaeologists discovered this great lost city, even if they were not prepared for what they found there.

Image result for the city of Thonis-Heracleion

The story
The Egyptian G0D of fertility, the stewardship of life overlooking the lives of its floods and its lords of the river, Hapi for hundreds of years, proudly looked at trade ships and the lively life of the city. Then it was one of the largest port cities on the face of the planet. The city of Thonis-Heracleion. But it was not supposed to be so long.

The tragedy

It was probably the end of the 2nd century BC; Open soaking earth, there were tremors and the soil began to flow under the feet of Hapi. More than six tons of finely manufactured stone and overwhelmed works in the sea, in minutes. The remaining regulation quickly followed and the legendary city of antiquity disappeared underwater as if it never existed.

Modern times

In the manuals of modern history, the city of Thonis-Heracleion was rarely mentioned. It was a legend but also a myth. All that was known about it was like it was like an ancient Egyptian Venice and the city was exquisite with channels and was the continent of commerce. That it overwhelmed in the water completely because of an earthquake is also just a theory. Absolutely nothing was concretely known about this city until recently when it has been rediscovered.

An accident
It was the early 2000s and a team of divers were outside the Egyptian coast when they came on a huge fragment of rock under the sea and decided to bring it to the ground. It was a fragment of the statue of Hapi, covered his salt but intact. They decided to continue their research and find 6 fragments of this type. There were other things that were found around that and when researchers learned to inform them, they were ecstatic. This could be the city of Thonis-Heracleion they were looking for.

The search begins
Archaeologists took on themselves to find this lost city and prove to the world that it was not a myth. Not only did they want to find the city, but they also wanted to teach residents' culture and how he managed to become a port city. The area of ​​Abu Qir Bay off the Egyptian coast for years and finally, their dedication has borne fruit. Only they were not prepared for what they were about to find.

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