7 major symptoms when you drink too much water

The fact that we can be excessive amount of water to worship, they only recently found scientists. Above all, the excessive fluid supply led to collapse of several people, especially athletes. This state is called hyponatemia.

Certainly you know. You just hear from all sides "You have to drink a lot of water, mainly water". Of course, the drinking regime is very important, but as much as you can not neglect, you must not exagger. That I never tell you this yet? In this case, notice, because intake of fluids in excessive quantities can be very harmful to your body. The fact that we can be excessive amount of water to worship, they only recently found scientists. Above all, the excessive fluid supply led to collapse of several people, especially athletes. This state is called hyponatemia.


Headache is clearly a frequent symptom when you drink too much water. Coincidentally, it is a symptom that is identical when drinking water. The cause of the headache in this state itself is caused by swelling of your organs and you should definitely not take it on lightweight. Already happened to you that the head ached and thought you had little drink, so you drank even more and the head still hurt?

Nausea and vomiting

The feeling of nausea and potential vomiting are also most often caused by swelling of internal organs. This is a similar state that occurs in cases that you ordered too much food. Similarly, "hard" will also be in the event of excessive fluid supply. Therefore, you recommend avoiding such states and if it already happens to it, so give yourself rather a moment than any sports performance. Significant exertion can hurt your organism in such a situation.

Chronic fatigue

Of course, every person feels very tired. However, fatigue should always come only after some challenging performance or longer sleep absence. If you fight chronic fatigue in your life, you will definitely focus on your drinking regime. The possible cause of fatigue may be excessive drinking, with which your organism must advise. Specifically, your kidneys that must work on full power are affected and thus launch hormones that can cause fatigue.

Frequent cramps

Another common phenomenon that can meet you in a state of hyponatémy include muscle cramps that can come unnecessary and often in cases where you don't fit twice. These cramps are caused by a small amount of sodium in the body. If you suffer from frequent cramps, try to think about whether it does not have water intoxication in your organism.

Increased blood pressure

Increased values ​​of your blood pressure is not underestimated in any case. If you are a healthy person who meets the conditions for optimal blood pressure, but you still have it increased when measuring it, so also focus on drinking regime. Excessive fluid supply significantly burdens the body and in such cases there is an increased blood pressure common phenomenon. If your pressure is really increased, solve this problem with your doctor.

Excessive swelling

Excessive water supply to the body can often manifest swelling. In particular, the swelling of the lower limbs, but also lips. This fact then causes a large amount of water in your bloodstream. Therefore, if you suffer from swelling, it can be excimental drinking one of the reasons. So how much water would you ideally drink in one day? According to a scientific study, this quantity varies in dependencies on many factors such as physical activity or general status of your organism. However, it may be 2.5 to 3.7 liters within one day.

Trouble urinating

Even this problem is often associated with fluid exciments. Of course, the first signal is the fact that you can go too often. If you attend your toilet more than eight times in one day, something is definitely fine and you should start solving the problem. You will also recognize the health condition simply on the color of urine, which should be slightly yellowish. If it is clear, it means that your pity mode is redundant.

Categories: Lifestyle
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