6 worst Soviet films for which still a shame
We have collected 6 absolutely failed Soviet films, which cause bewilderment even from the most undemanding spectators.

We have collected 6 absolutely failed Soviet films, which cause bewilderment even from the most undemanding spectators.
1. "Day of Wrath", 1985
"Day of Anger" was removed from the same name of the story of the science fiction writer of the North of Gansovsky. In the Soviet cinema, it was the first attempt to connect two genres: horrors with science fiction. According to the plot in one of the Soviet reserves, aggressive and ruthless bears with human intelligence were broken as a result of laboratory experiments. Having devoid of all morals they become a threat to the existence of humanity. Possessing serious psychological and philosophical potential, the film has become sluggishly a developing fighter, devoid of every common sense. By the way, Hansov's himself found the film failure.

2. "Timing Andromeda", 1967
Emptying the novel of Ivan Efremova of the novel is one of the first science fiction films taken in the USSR. After the release of the picture and the audience, and critics agreed in a single opinion that cinema was completely failed to transmit the entire depth of the social fiction of Efremov. The visual component of the film also underwes hard criticism. Buttic scenery from painted plywood, designed to mimic the architecture of the future on the screen, create a clear feeling of false.

3. "Nylon 100%", 1973
The history of the synthetic fur coat from the commission, which has moved from one hands to others, was supposed to show the mesh's passion of Soviet people to a matter in the time of total deficit. However, despite the original, satirical subtext and an excellent cast - Rimma Markova, Vladimir Basov, Leonid Kuravlev, Evgeny Evstigneev - Comedy musical turned out to be frankly boring and faded.

4. "Private Detective, or Operation" Cooperation ", 1989
Even such an outstanding director, as Leonid Gaidai, there were failures. The comedy was discontinued in the so-called perestroika era, so the shot is new things for that period with concepts and words - cooperatives, mafia, racket. However, the abundance of intriguing trends has not saved the picture from the failure. And from to the indecent banal plot, I want not to laugh, but cry.

5. "Fabulous journey Mr. Bilbo Begigins Hobbit", 1985
Director Vladimir Latyshev made it impossible - plugged the endless Sagu Tolkien about the hobbits and the ring in the film lasting 64 minutes. Of course, he could not convey even a hundredth lobe of the magic of this great work. Fortunately or unhappiness, for a long time it was believed that the films with the picture are forever lost. But most recently found them. Internet users immediately disassembled the memes clumsy Soviet analogue of the "Lord of the Rings".

6. "If tomorrow is a war ...", 1938
Air battles, landing, tank battles, cavalry traveling - the film is completely mounted from chaotic frames stolen from various newsreel and feature films. However, there were original staged scenes that are perceived in our day with a laugh. The monstrous genth of directors is not the most obvious minus. "If tomorrow war" is a dangerous film inagitis, which has played a considerable role in the perception of the upcoming war, as a certain holiday.

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