10 things a man seeks in a woman

Have you ever wondered what a man seeks in a woman? In this text, we counted 10 common characteristics that men seek.

Love relationships are usually complex and involve a number of factors. However, in this text we share some things that man (usually) search on a woman!

If you are a woman, we want to make it clear that you can and should be valued and seek positive features in your partner. In addition, these qualities that we are going to say are not useful only to attract a man. After all, we women are people worth independent of the search for a lasting relationship.

1. Compassion

Unfortunately, men are conditioned to never demonstrate intense emotions, and this ends up harming their adult life and their relationships. Therefore, those men looking for a woman for a relationship will always prefer those who demonstrate compassion when they want to express themselves.

He wants to feel welcomed when he is sad and, even better, feel comfortable during these moments alongside the woman he loves.

2. Respect

As the saying goes: "Respect is good and everyone likes" - including men. Therefore, the woman who wants to feel respected in the relationship also needs to respect, and vice versa. Respect is a great base for a happy living life.

3. Modesty

People who are gab from everything and never think they need to improve are not the most attractive. So men appreciate a little modesty in their partner, because that means that it is ready to grow in the relationship, just like them.

Of course, when you choose the man with whom you want to spend life, it is always good to find some that also have a little of this quality.

4. Self-confidence

An admirable quality in anyone, self-confidence can be a bit complicated to acquire, but it does not stop being essential in a lasting relationship.

Especially for women, developing self-confidence can be challenging. But confidence in itself ensures that you stay at peace with yourself and also come in handy when attracting a partner that really worth it.

5. Wish

Desire and attraction are sensual characteristics in a woman. Men likes their partners to demonstrate their desire and demonstrate that they are physically attracted by them.

6. Good communication

Communication is key element of any relationship - after all, spending months or even years together will demand that you talk about plans, pains, feelings and questions.

Most men also prefer that the woman communicates her feelings, as well as what bothers her and what makes her happy. This narrows the relationship and improves the couple's partnership.

7. Ability to make decisions

Men tend to prefer determined women who know what they want - this walks along with the feeling of self-confidence. But of course, there are also undecided men in the world, then every pan can find your lid, and undecided people can have a chance in love!

8. Acceptance

Compassion and acceptance walk side by side - but acceptance goes beyond. Every man wants to be accepted by who he is, and they would not like to live next to someone who insisted on trying to change them.

So if you are a woman, talk to your partner from the beginning to understand what he is willing to change and what is not negotiable. So, you will know of face if he is the right partner for you.

9. Support

Just like women, every man has dreams, aspirations and desires - and obviously he will get someone to support him. Support is often the most important element of the relationship - and when it is missing, intimacy also begins to disappear.

So men move mountains to stay with a person who support them in their goals. In addition, the partner will also certainly need to support at some point; And if it is not to be like this, then why get a relationship?

10. Authenticity

In the long run, each couple accumulates different and incredibly unique experiences. Because of this, relationships can only be lasting if both parties are authentic. Knowing this, men seek someone who has the tastes themselves and that it is happy the way he wants.

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