6 effective things to refine his face

If you do not like your cheeks too boussies or if you want to lose a little chin, do not panic: like any part of the body, the face can arise too!

Many people are obsessed with body mass and are interested rather, sometimes unfairly, on their turn, the appearance of their thighs, buttocks or arms ... some are on the other hand fixed on their face too round, a little soft or not oval enough, in their opinion. If you do not like your cheeks too boussies or if you want to lose a little chin, do not panic: like any part of the body, the face can arise too! In the rest we present a few tips for losing the fats of the face thanks to a good "gym" routine and cosmetic means.

It is important to accept itself as you are but, if you have taken some weight and if the fat stored on your face creates confidence problems, here are the right stuff to refine Your cheeks and your chin and feel better in your skin.

Play sports regularly

It's the secret of Polichinelle: to lose weight you have to regularly do sports. It is therefore advisable to practice at least twice a week a physical activity to firm the body, burn fat and ultimately feel better. All this obviously in the context of a healthy and balanced diet. The whole body will be able to benefit and if it is not enough for you or if the results are little visible at the beginning, in the next section we present you some targeted exercises for the face.

Targeted Face Exercises

To refine the cheeks, try to go up your lips towards your nose for 15 seconds and start a dozen times. For double-chin, on the other hand, stick straight, lifted chin and head slightly leaning back. Closed mouth, pass your lower jaw forward, stay like that for a dozen seconds and repeat this exercise for about five times. This will stimulate the chin muscles, but also neck.

Make a few grimaces

It's not a joke: the so-called grimace of "fish" makes it possible to visibly dig up the cheeks and toning the muscles to redraw the oval. Closed mouth, aspire your cheeks from the inside. Stay a dozen seconds in this position and releasing. Repeat this movement at least five times.


Smile does good anywhere! Finally and above all it also allows to tone the muscles of the face and especially the cheeks. Train in front of the mirror by alternating between closed mouth and open mouth. Make a very broad smile as if you wanted to reach your ears (yes you will look a little like joker but it's for the good cause!)


Remember to chew a chewing gum sometimes to make movement (without abusing it to avoid swelling the belly). The mashing gesture allows to muscle the chin. Malignant not?

Moisturize your face

There are targeted thinning treatments for the oval of the face which, in addition to firming and attenuating wrinkles, smooth the skin. Many cosmetic brands offer draining day creams or masks for the night. Apply with care while massaging the face to help the skin absorb the product and stimulate elasticity. Why not test this thing? It will not hurt, guaranteed ...

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