All American presidents the queen encountered in her life

Can you guess how many American presidents the Queen of England met at that time?

Have you ever wondered what the Queen of England thinks of current affairs? For us, simple peasants, the presidential elections are a big deal. But does the Queen Elizabeth care about that? Is she sitting on the edge of her seat during each election season? We will never know with certainty because old Lizzie knows his manners and will never say it. However, we find this moment dynamic very interesting. The presidents come and go, a last term or two, some least (* cough - Kennedy -Cough *), but the queen was a very pretty fixed permanent and served as a monarch reigning since 1952. Can you guess how many US Presidents She's met at that time?

1. Harry Truman and the Queen met for the first time in 1951 and only half a year later, the king is dead and Elizabeth became the queen.

2. Dwight D. Eisenhower and the Queen were so friendly that she shared with him a grilled scones recipe.

3. Queen Elizabeth met John F. Kennedy in 1961 and apparently, she was actually jealous of the popularity of his wife during their stay in the United Kingdom.

4. Richard Nixon met the Queen in 1969 and even tried to create his daughter with Prince Charles. Did not work however, did it do it?

5. Gerald Ford and the Queen met and shared a dance at an event in 1976.

6. Jimmy Carter really shocked everyone when he kissed the Queen Mother on the lips in 1977 during his visit. We have no idea how he thought it would be correct and not a tremendous contempt for the Royal Protocol. What a way to make a lasting impression.

7. Ronald Reagan was the first American president who had to stay at night at the Windsor Castle. The Queen welcomed it in 1982 and they linked themselves about their love of horses.

8. George H.W. Bush met the Queen for lunch in 1989 and later in his presidency, he invited the Queen to a baseball game. Can you imagine?

9. Bill Clinton and the Queen met in 1994 on dinner. We can only ask us and speculate on what kind of clinton jokes and stories told the Queen.

10.Guorge W. Bush, just as his father met the Queen for 2001 at Buckingham Palace.

11. Barack and Michelle Obama met the Queen during their visit to the United Kingdom in 2009. Barack brought Queen Elizabeth an iPad with videos of his visit visiting as a gift. Michelle kissed the queen who goes against the royal protocol but apparently, the queen did not bother.

12. Trump In 2018 was such a disgrapful that we are honestly surprised that the Queen does not come to hit the Windsor Castle. He shook his hand, walked in front of her, returned his back and late at the visit, who are all against the Royal Protocol. We are all so embarrassed that we try to wipe this with our collective memories and to pretend that it never happened.

13. Joe Biden had to meet the Queen as the President of the United States in Cornwall in the group of seven peaks. But they became previously when he was a US senator in 1982.

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