Ayurveda or 8 miracles for health

Approximately each of us has already heard this word, but what is its exact meaning? What is he hiding behind him?

Approximately each of us has already heard this word, but what is its exact meaning? What is he hiding behind him? If we wanted to know his literal translation it is "the teaching of life". Ayus means life, Véda is science. Basically it is a complex of principles of a healthy way of life. They are not just the principles of a healthy way of life, but it is a therapeutic system supplemented with knowledge, which is primarily to arrive at a balanced mind, thus strengthening health and cleanse the soul. In its methods of treatment, the effects of medicinal plants and herbs and herbs, as well as special fruits to lead to recovery, and above all to prevention any disease. This learning was created in times of past, in the period of the sacred font of Vedas in Old India. According to the legend of Ayurvedic learning, God told Brahma before the birth of Buddha.


The most important pillar for our health considers Ayurveda conservation of energy balance in our body. If we keep the power balance on the other side of the equation, we get health. The whole process is determined by 3 energies, called. Dogs. Every man has all three energy in them, but one always prevails. If we manage to harmonize these three energy we have won and came to satisfied life

Catering regime

Ayurveda has divided the types of energy of the dogue, according to which we should also eat. We talk about the types of vacation, Pitt and Kapha. For each type of energy, it is determined how the diet should look like. Let's look at them together.

The type of vacuum should have a cooked diet, taste should be salty, sweet or acidic. For PITTA, hot and cold food, bitter, sweet and tastes are assigned. The last type of Kapha is assigned fruit and vegetables, bitter and sharp taste. The Ayurveda is also inherently joining the spice, among the wonders of the world of spice lies ginger, turmeric, starem and many others.

Body detoxification

Body cleansing is associated with drinking water. The glass of hot water is recommended for an empty stomach. By this morning ritual, we will support the kidney, liver, also cleans the intestines and, together with water, the hazardous toxins can wash away from the body.


Calm down the mind. Nowadays a very difficult task. From each side, the obligations and claims are generally placed, which leads to great coercion on our person. The hidden evil in the form of stress influences the body even if most of us will give it a difficulty. Stress warrior is meditation, releasing accumulated blocks has beneficial effects on our health. To induce the relaxed state of mind, meditation music can help you reach meditation videos that are easily accessible on the Internet.


Significant for our satisfied life is to feel good, as we said above, meditation will help us, for proper functioning of the body, it is advisable to go to exercise. Yoga and yogi methods are inherently linked with Ayurveda. The basis is to exercise regularly, create a habit of exercise and no longer want to work without it. Tip from us: Start your day with a greeting sun and wake your body into a new day.

Herbs and herbal essences

Ayurveda is known for using herbal teas to support our health. Herbs are ranked in several groups, for example, for cleaning blood or anti-bloating. Also, when choosing herbs is important to consider our dos. Also, herbal oils used for relaxing massage are also used. Let's listen at least the best known for beneficial herbs such as Ašvaganda, Myrr, Brahmi, Tulsi (basil sacred) and many others.


Have you ever heard that laughter is healing? Certainly yes and exactly this wise is also enthusiastic about Ayurveda in its foundations. He is scientifically proven that even though we play a smile, our mood will improve, and this is reflected in our overall health. Smile. For example, start "train" smile at home in front of the mirror and not just it. Endorphine avalanche will bring us a loud laughter. Don't worry about loud laughter, because it is causing better blood circulation and earlier hormone feed. The results will surprise you.


In a healthy lifestyle, according to Ayurveda, we must also include quality and sufficient sleep. If we sleep a shortage or, on the contrary, it is too much reflected on our psychological comfort and overall condition. Each of us has surely experienced the night and it realizes how it is important for us to sleep in optimal amounts.

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