8 Tech Tok challenges you should try

The challenges of Tic Tok

Recently, most of us has become more here. We are not only one, but we have made our daily presence on interactive applications such as Tic Tok, and during 2018, the sushiel and interactive applications have spread the phenomenon of "challenges" and a certain dance or activity Millions then decide and decide on the winner of this challenge. During this article, we will review with you the most famous challenges to the Tic Tok application which you can simply try:

Challenge spouses

This challenge is usually implemented between couples but you can also experience with your friend or girlfriend or even your sons or a family of your family; All you have to do is take your eyes and answer some questions related to your tits together. .

Challenge fingers

At first glance this challenge seems very simple but not so as they are few who managed to do without any errors; The idea of ​​this challenge is based on moving your fingers in particular and is very fast on rhythmic music.

Challenge lipstick

This challenge has a very simple hypothesis, but actually is very hard to do, all you need is a lipstick pen on a senior line in the middle of your lip, then fat on the rest of your lips in a few seconds, although the challenge is basically started between girls but soon started Men experience.

Challenge fingers

Users shows this challenge as they ate their fingers in front of the camera but all they are really bending their fingers. Challenge more than 2 million views on Tic Tok.

Challenge Dance in Bjji

Since its first two's fourths, a game in Bji has achieved a popular popularity in all countries of the world, as its users reached more than 500 million players around the world.

Challenge water poured

This challenge is also far away from dancing and only needs plastic vessels filled with water; Where the user runs one song and during a particular clip that pours entire water vessels on its head.

Challenge Dance Change Clothing

In this challenge, users change their clothes on music or one song using certain purification in applications you hear the temporary video stop and then return back to resume after users have changed their clothes, and it is important to notice the followers that this change in the form of user has occurred within seconds Low.

Challenge the ladder

This challenge is based on the emergence of the user and is standing at the top of the stairs and then gradually compromised, but it must be described in line with the songs danced by not to fall randomly. Million.

Categories: Entertainment
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