A moment in makeup and do not know how to use it? Here are the most prominent 8 tips
New use make-up do not know appropriate tools or how to use it? Here is a simplified manual for highlight and how to put it on your face.

We buy a lot of skin care preparations, and we participate in cosmetic blogs, and try to keep up with the latest trends in cosmetic discoveries, to get the most difficult dream and is an attractive face, and it turns out that our efforts do not always lead to the correct results. Therefore, we collect some simple tips and value that will allow you to get a distinctive face without having to call specializes in make-up.
Facial awoke
To wake up the face, tilting making artists to work first on the eyebrows. Clean it with brushing and then any small holes with a solution or mascara. Hard not to use a lot of materials, your needs may seem too thick and strengthen your funny, and certainly you have to emphasize the right color for your I and how far will be
Fish fit for your face, so what benefits with you does not benefit with others.

Debugging defects and hiding black circles
Of the problems you suffer from many girls having a colored layer under the eyes, black circles, can help the console in the removal of blacks quickly, put the console, after choosing a suitable color score for your face and your case. Put it in the inner corner of your eye, and I extend so start your eyebrow. So become darker. Cherry gesture until the halves disappear completely.

Primer, Secret Makeup lasts
Before step by the foundation cream, all make-up professionals are recommended by putting a small amount of primeer will help install make-up in place, so do not slip into your face once you leave home. Primer will work on pores, touch small flaws, remove the gloss some shiny areas, and soften the skin and create them for makeup before placing the foundation cream. In short, this is the step that will allow your makeup to continue throughout the evening. You can apply it with a brush on your fingers, according to you.

Choose the right shade for basis cream
Perhaps the foundation cream is the most difficult make-up products that can be placed on the skin, for many reasons, because it can break into parts of your face during a decent distribution, or can not choose the color of a cream is not suitable for your face, or even to be able to apply your foundation in a wrong way. However, the foundation cream is placed on the face that requires knowledge and knowledge before applying, to do so, choose a degree first by putting several degrees on your hands and desirable and closer to your skin and choosing, do not prefer to be the color of your face because it is not always true because of what is exposed . Put the foundation cream is also a major brush, or sponge or directly with the fingers, from the middle of the face abroad, with interest in nose and eyes.

Contorn helps correct defects and highlight the facial parameters. There are many types of convert their different strength, including fluids and creams that require more time and skill in their application, and are not very used in daily make-up. While there is a cuntur using powder which makes the face looks more natural because it is easy to app. To use you to highlight what you see is suitable in your face and add dark color on the areas you want to hide.

Red cheeks
The touch of blush gives the face healthy and good setting. If your skin is open, you have to choose the light pink color or peach color. If your skin is a color structure, best for you to choose a darker, light or light policies or orange. Dark and powerful pink colors and the intensive peach color are ideal for skin-shaped skin. Smile and throw the red color directly on the cheeks. And are you!

Put the red cheeks
To complete the make-up, put the red powder powder with a great brush on the cheeks only, so keep your face on a very curable appearance. Choose a powder with a light texture, and suitable color.

Adjust the mascara
Finally, we get to step by mask that gives a special touch on your face and confirm the beauty of your makeup. The application depends on the form of eyelashes and eyelashes curve, you must choose the appropriate application method that suits your thickness, and save it well. The lack of mascara properly changes to change everything.

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