8 tips for lifespan with your husband's family

How do you get your family?

Most married women are concerned about harmony with their husband's family; Because this can lead to many consequences, sometimes, on their marital relationship. Earn the love of your husband's people is not an easy task, but it is not absolutely impossible, especially when they are not ready to facilitate it. We offer you 8 tips will help you know how to satisfy and win your husband's family and integrate yourself as much as possible.

1. I respect your partner

Your husband always will always want to make sure that your relationship is good with their son so you should not deserve it and be nice and love with him especially in front of others. And showed everyone to have a good and strong relationship. Avoid arguing or minimizing the presence of his parents. If you want to say something to him, always wait for your own with him.

2. They are very much with them

It is normal to contact with the husband's family during holidays and other occasions, but I invite an effort to visit your husband's family at normal times because you will win much if you have visited them without reason or if you contact them now and to know their conditions.

3. Prepare gifts for everyone at events

The gifts from the lovely social rituals at everyone, are a great opportunity to show my husband's family. This method is the largest expression of appreciation and respect. So try to give them things they love and guard them on their courtesy to earn their lover.

4. Your behavior in public places

Your husband will be careful about how you acknowledge you and with your partner and with anyone else in public and outside the scope of family meetings in general, so you must always be successful and warned. For example, if you take dinner at the restaurant, agony avoid criticizing food or handling with a circuit with a waiter or speaking loud; It will not help you win and your new family members.

5. How to talk to your clothes

Attention to external appearance has a significant impact on the formation of external relations, especially with your husband's people. So we recommend you wear clothes that look decent you. Just make sure to be clean, mondned and unasteen overly.

6. Share some of your projects and call them

Your husband's family would like to be a dear people and close to your life. Their questions and their consultations on something for them is one of the ways they show their importance to you and your partner. Try to contact them always to see their opinion. Ask them advice on important things, such as buying an apartment or car, you can also engage them in organizing an event for the whole family.

7. Prepare their favorite dishes

They are one of their favorite meals when they visit or when they come to your home. Do not forget to ask your husband about the quality of the dishes they prefer and I prefer to set up yourself, they will be very happy because you took your time to see what they wish and even if they did not cry out in the preparation of the dish, you will appreciate the fact that you took the time to do so.

8. Effect of Ignees and Invitations

Azabs are good ways that help to consolidate your relationships with your husband's relationships and closer distances, you can order your husband's people join you for a meal at a restaurant or get shopping together.

Because the wife's association with her husband's family is important in the Arab world.

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