8 things embodied by movies wrong about pregnancy and childbirth

There are many views about pregnancy and childbirth, but are not all correct. The media will not help this stereotypical and legendary image, and most movies deal with the process very wrong. The following are the most important things that media on pregnancy and childbirth.

There are many views about pregnancy and childbirth, but are not all correct. The media will not help this stereotypical and legendary image, and most movies deal with the process very wrong. The following are the most important things that media on pregnancy and childbirth.

1.Middle-aged pregnancy is Hin

Anyone who saw Baby Bridget Jones knows about this old clock. But women over the age of 40 often find it difficult to pregnancy more than "accidental" pregnancies that often fall for middle-aged women. Without help the doctor, the low ovary reserve and eggs naturally makes things more difficult.

2.All infertility problems are only due to women

We find that this is a special stereotypical picture, and this is not true because men and women in the same place are almost when it comes to those who face more infertility. Infertility occurs for at least 30% of men, so why is women on the big screen?

3.Graves between acute and elegance mess

Instead of seen as a man who has an independent character (this is not disappearing). But her life disappears and turns into a neglected lady, outside this spacious stereotype there is a wonderful picture.

4.With regard to childbirth, it is about to remove the child and ended up

Many midwives and priorities provide awareness and communicate with your child in labor and pregnancy. Sometimes there is screaming through birth, or positions, including hands, knees and squatting. It is not limited to lying on your back as the knees scattered for a few minutes. Women are powerful and practical are not mechanical as you want Hollywood to show.

5.Pregnancy in fingertips

Many alars are heading to microscopic injections, rental of rental, or some other alternatives to get a child. But in films, pregnancy is easily from the first time or by chance. Although charged pregnancy is true but is not the common way of pregnancy profits between couples. Access to a child is difficult for many women and some feelings come from this, and these films increase this angry feeling.

6.The birth is very terrifying

It is certain that there is no easy thing about having a child, but films are responsible for stopping making the birth experience more terrifying and like horror movies. All deliveries are different, from natural birth to cesarean. But even when labor pain suffers, it is a strong pain more than being similar to illness or trauma, and the movies must be imagined as such.

7.First, cunning and then birth

In addition to screams of dramatic films that are often used to shoot pregnancy, contractions are also something fantastic often. Obgyn doctors say it is not very common to break the water of women and immediately trace too far. Conflicts before the water is separated, or can be delayed hours, days or weeks after rupture.

8.Skin glow and full makeup of the pregnant mother

Even in the absence of full makeup, these women appear more like starters rather than ladies. It will be great to be realistic imaging instead of showing ladies in the form of stars magazines. Where many women inflated the love of hormone and other skin problems during pregnancy, there is something called costumes makes the flip Dakna, while others get on a black line down their stomach. This is not filmed in the cinema!

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