8 interesting facts about Katie Chile

The generation of the 30-year-old perfectly remembers Katie Chile since the Territories A, and the present youth met with the magic of its voice only in 2017, when a unique vocalist took part in the popular television "Voice of the country".

For crazy energy, kindness, fragility and miniature growth (1.52, weight 41 kg), journalists called Katie Chile "Ukrainian Freight". On July 12, the singer celebrated his 43th birthday. In view of the fact that the artist according to their own beliefs almost does not use cosmetics (if they do not require TVs) and does not apply for the help of the beauty industry, it has a great look.

The generation of the 30-year-old perfectly remembers Katie Chile since the Territories A, and the present youth met with the magic of its voice only in 2017, when a unique vocalist took part in the popular television "Voice of the country". What is known about this mysterious and extremely talented artist?

1. Real name and first performance

In fact, Katy Chile is Catherine Petrivna Kondratenko. The present surname in a man - Bogolyubov. From Kyiv, she has graduated from the music school in the class of piano and cello in his childhood. The debut of a small singer took place in the summer of 1986, when the 8-year-old campaign acted in one of the then pioneer camps at the concert "Children of Chernobyl" with the song "33 cows"."All this accidentally removed by television, and I felt how the scene virus got to my blood, which, in principle, can not be displayed. - Now the artist is recalled.

2. God's Providence

In one of the interview, Katya said that this higher strength helped her to find his way. In the time of an important choice between two faculties of the University of Kyiv. Taras Shevchenko - international relations and folkloristics, the girl appealed to God and asked for advice. The young Katie dreamed of a very realistic dream, which described her creative path. In the morning, she woke up and understood everything - entered folkloristics. The artist has devoted its thesis. The artist has devoted to the study of ancient pracivilization.

3. Great scene

In 1992, Katya won the Grand Prix in one of the song contests. There she met his future composer and a mentor Sergei Smetanina and it became a springboard in her career. Then the image of the artist was dramatically different from the present, he was more pancol and progressive. In 1996, the singer undermined Ukrainian show business with his debut album "Mermaids in Da House". The most famous track in the execution of Katie Chile came out in 2003 in a duet with Sasha Polozhynsky. It was popular and still a song "Over the clouds".

4. Injury and Silence Period

The unpredictable event occurred in one of the tours of the singer. Just during the speech of Katia, she stood and fell from the scene. It was then that her partner was on the duet, the soloist of the band "Tartak" Sashko Polozhinsky, who took an injured girl to the ambulance guide. Kati diagnosed a serious damage to the spine and concussion of the brain. An entire incident completely knocked out the artist from the track, because it happened simply on the ups of her career. The girl fell into depression and stopped to appear in a public space.

5. Personal life

This sphere of Katya holds under the stamp "secret", not answering numerous issues of journalists who want to know the details. It is known that the husband of the singer is a pianist from its collective Alexey Bogolyubov. A couple brings up a joint son of Svyatosar. Now a boy can often be seen next to her mother during speeches and secular events.

6. Preferences

Immediately after the birth of a son of Katia refused to meat, he does not eat it until now. Also, the singer does not use any mushrooms. The basis of its menu is mainly vegetables and fruits. Artist regularly practicing fasting on the water. In addition, the star is fundamentally not wearing clothing from genuine leather or fur, because it considers such a clothing manifestation of cruelty and violence. Katy can often see barefoot on stage. For the performer it's something like a personal ritual for customization. The woman has a title "Peace Cavalier" from the Roerich Fund and is an ambassador of UNDP Ukraine tolerance. The star adores yoga, and also deals with Indian dancing and tea ceremonies.

7. Return to music

In 2017, Katya Chile spoke on blind listening to the talent show "Voice of the country" as an invited star. However, Tina Karol invited her to stay in the proex and Katya decided to go to the team to the pop. Thus, thanks to several esters, Ukraine has discovered the magic of Vocal Katie Chile, and its first performance in a few hours has collected more than 100 thousand views on YouTube. After a loud return, the artist took part in the national selection to the Eurovision 2020 competition. She introduced all spectators in the trans meditative performance of his "furnace" composition.

8. Pseudonym

The pseudonym of the singer comes from the English expression "Chill Out" - a recreation area. Katya Chile explains that he performs his songs, she seems to invite listeners to rest - to dip into the zone of comfort and tranquility, closer to the wild, pristine nature.

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