10 useful and delicious products that can be bought at a cheap price

In order to pose something really delicious and simultaneously useful, - it is not necessary to buy expensive products at high prices in a supermarket.

In order to pose something really delicious and simultaneously useful, - it is not necessary to buy expensive products at high prices in a supermarket. Enough just to read our article on 10 useful and affordable products. Among them in the list of vegetables and fruits, which many of us already have in the refrigerator, but does not even guess how useful they are for our body.

Sure that this article will fully change your attitude to food, which most of us consider it simple and commonplace.


To cook half an hour on a small fire, add your favorite spices and a little tomato juice - here is a recipe for a delicious lentil, which Italians are simply adored. It greatly affects digestion, very useful for those who have diabetes or diseases of the cardiovascular system, and delicious in the finished form.


In childhood we underestimated this vegetable, but when they became adults, then they learned - to eat cabbage is really useful. It can be stewed, bake, add in soup or borsch, and hurry, which benefits it becomes more effective.

Useful cereals

Bulgur, buckwheat, Couscous, Oatmeal and rice - This is only half of the list of useful cereals that cost cheap, with a colossal benefit. They are easy to cook, and thanks to domestic sauces and a variety of refueling can taste away in a different way than we are accustomed to them.

Dairy cheese

Great if you can use such cheese, made at home. And if not, then you will still get it, even if cheese is shopping. This is a dietary product that contains nutrient protein and useful calcium and phosphorus that in the modern rhythm of life are especially necessary.


Juicy apples are a small vitamin bomb, which should be tasted and adults, and children. However, few people know that if you bake apples, then it is possible to get benefits from them at times more. First, they greatly improve the intestines of the intestine and kidneys, and secondly, it is really delicious.


This vegetable is advised by those who have problems with digestion or chronic inflammation. Beetroot contains many antioxidants, organic acids and mineral salts, as well as vitamins, betaine and extremely useful folic acid. He is delicious in baked form, if it is added to the salad. For example, with a feta, spinach, olive oil and Italian spices. Try!


The real source of vitamins, trace elements and amino acids. Marine cabbage is not only delicious to taste and attractive in appearance. She also perfectly affects the body, because the slags out of it, normalizes the operation of the thyroid gland and cleans blood. This is a nutritious and available product that should be consumed in the form of a conventional vitamin salad.



In childhood, adults told us that it is necessary to eat carrots to have a good vision. And they really advised us useful things, because this vegetable has a large amount of vitamin A. by the way, a small secret. To get as much use as possible from carrots - it is better before eating bake.


Useful for the heart, has many antioxidants and increases the density of the bones - it's all about the usual onion, which each of us, most likely, even now has home. Yes, it is difficult to eat in raw form, but add to salads or stew on low heat with butter - a successful idea and a very useful idea.


Many of us eats bananas almost every day, and they are doing well, because bananas have many useful properties. First, bananas reduce blood pressure and quickly and usefully tamble hunger. Secondly, they are a sufficient source of iron and help at heartburn. But another interesting fact - bananas calm the nerves and help from depression.

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