Healing properties of spirulina
Spirulina is blue or green algae, which are often sold as a nutritional supplement in healthy food stores. What is this special in spirulina?

Spirulina is blue or green algae, which are often sold as a nutritional supplement in healthy food stores. Spirulina is also found in the skin care. It is often added in a strip for bright color and as an additional source of vitamins and minerals. Spirulina is sold in the form of tablets and powder. Tablets are convenient for those who do not have time to cook, but wants to receive an additional dose of vitamins. In the form of a powder of spirulina is simply ideal for those who love the lane and wants to make them not only nutritious, but also visually beautiful. So let's talk about the healing properties of spirulina.
1. Additional vitamins
If you lack vitamins of group B, iron or copper - a tablespoon of spirulina added to your lane can provide you with approximately a quarter of your daily needs in these nutrients. Not to mention the fact that in the same tablespoon of spirulina there are 4 grams of protein, which is actually quite a lot like a spoon powder of green algae.

2. Less wrinkles
Dermatologists argue that spirulina can actually help reduce the appearance of wrinkles but, of course, it works best as prevention, not a panacea.

3. Reducing cholesterol level
Daily dose of spirulina can help you reduce harmful cholesterol, which is one of the main causes of cardiac problems. Studies show that only 2 grams of spirulina per day can reduce harmful cholesterol and improve the health of the heart.

4. Reducing inflammation
Spirulina is a natural anti-inflammatory substance containing antioxidants that protect our cells from damage and minimize inflammation. So, we consume spirulina every day and forget about inflammation.

5. Reducing the arterial pressure
If you have high pressure problems, you just need spirulina in your diet. Medical studies show that spirulina reduces the pressure even in those who have normal arterial pressure.

6. Assistance with allergy
Proved that spirulina helps those who suffer from seasonal allergies. Daily consumption of spirulina can reduce itching in the nose, runny nose and sneezing, which greatly facilitates life allergies.

7. Assistance with anemia
Spirulina can also help those who suffer from anemia, which was previously illnesses of elderly people, but in our days many young people are also prone to anemia. Spirulina can increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood, which positively affects those who have anemia.

8. The stronger muscles
Those of you who deal with physical work or maybe just a lot of sports is Lifehak for you. Spirulina can protect your muscles from wear, which will make you stronger and more hardy.

9. Balanced blood sugar
People with diabetes know how important is the blood sugar. It is not desirable that it is too low, but at the same time, we do not exactly want to jump sugar levels. Medical studies conducted on animals have successfully proved that only 2 grams of spirulina per day can improve and balance the blood sugar level.

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