The delivery service you have never heard of

This company only accepts authentic independent restaurants - no big chains here!

Even if it is easy for customers to order food through a third partydelivery servicesIt is common for these companies to take up to 30% of the benefits of this order. This means less money enters the pockets of some of your favorite small local businesses. While it hurts many restaurants with troublecoronavirus pandemic,Chinese Restaurants have even more difficult time that bring business. That's why companies likeChowbus Are the best delivery service to order as soon as they are oriented to specifically help these types of restaurants.

Chowbus is a company that focuses on asian food specifically. Their founder and Chief Executive Officer, Linxin Wen, was inspired to start the company when he realized that there was no service, in particular, which emphasized an asian cuisine of high quality and authentic. It was one of the frustrations he had to come to China America to study.He wanted a place he could trust to get good Asian food and could not seem to find it anywhere.

"So, I had an idea," said Wen. "Why not create my own platform to serve these types of restaurants?"

Chowbus focuses on authentic Asian cuisine.

With so many stronger chains and companies creating Americanized Asian foods, smaller restaurants feel the burden of sharing Americanized dishes and are not authentic to those they really want to cook.

"I thought most Americans would not want to accept more authentic food, but I remember once I invited my American friends to try the authentic food and they liked it," said Wen. "And I thought it could be an opportunity." "

While the experiences he had shared authentic Asian food with his friends was a person who was excited, he realized thatThere was no way for his friends to be able to locate which restaurants were really authentic, since many of them feel the pressure to get their menu.

"It's an opportunity, but it's also a problem," said Wen. "I really wanted the restaurants to succeed and cook the food they want instead of going with the flow."

Who is how Chowbus came to be. In 2016, Wen launched a company that focuses on restaurants that really serveAuthentic Asian cuisine. Although many restaurants can jump on some of the most popular delivery applications, Wen and the company and Chowbus are special about the restaurants they allow their platform.

"There are restaurants that contact us [about joining Chowbus] and we need to make sure these restaurants are legitimate," says Wen. "We reject many restaurants because we really want customers to be on board with the best."

Courtesy of Chowbus

Chowbus uses a business model that other delivery services do not do it.

Although the food order on an application is always the same experience as most of these third-party services, Chowbus allows customers to order several restaurants at one time.

"So that you orders to tell a restaurant, but also a bubble tea, for many other platforms that you should do separate orders," says Wen. "But it's different for Chowbus. People can order at the restaurant and order the next tea bubble."

This gives several Asian restaurants - like a bubble tea shop, the opportunity to reach a delivery service without having the control of customer order enough to reach this delivery limit.Customers can order their favorite authentic Asian dishes from several locations in an area in an area, allowing all types of Asian restaurants to get more business.

In addition, Chowbus offers one of the best rates of restaurant commissions. "That's why so many restaurants will even encourage customers to order on Chowbus," said Wen.

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How Chowbus responded to Covid-19.

Currently, Chowbus is located in 20 cities, but they are considering developing even more in the future. However, in the cities with which they work, they have done a lot to help restaurants in need during the coronavirus pandemic. For starters, they lowered the minimum delivery limit of $ 20 to $ 15 and in cities like Chicago, they were able to develop a delivery range up to 40 miles to give restaurants an even more important clientele to work.

In parallel with these efforts to bring more customers, Chowbus has changed the Restaurant Compensation Commission, the clarification of some of the payments restaurants would have to do with their orders.Because of their efforts, Chowbus saw 90% of its partners stay in business during the pandemic.

Finally, Chowbus offers a restaurant keypath that goes with their loyalty program. Restaurants can honor customer loyalty using the typing map, encouraging customers to frequently order these authentic restaurants that need the company.

"We want to encourage more people to order independent restaurants," said Wen. "The company really wants self-employed restaurants to succeed."

However, if customers continue to buy from the larger strings, it will become more difficult for these authentic restaurants to meet the two tips, especially during the pandemic. That's why Wen and the Chowbus team graciously offered to eat this, not that! readers a discount for their first order!Use the EATTHIS6 code for $ 6 discount on your first order onChowbus And dine on the most delicious authentic Asian food you have ever had.

Eat this, not that! Constantly monitoring the latest foods for COVID-19 in order to keep you healthy, safely and to your knowledge (and to answerYour most urgent questions) here are theprecautionsYou should take the grocery store, thefoodyou should have by hand, theMeal delivery services andRestaurant chains offering an imprintYou must know and the means to help yousupport those who need. We will continue to update these new information that develops.Click here for all our COVID-19 covers, andSubscribe to our newsletter stay up to date.

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