8 beauty secrets from Hollywood stars

Very good recommendations to be listened. Hollywood stars are not advised!

Everyone knows how much effort, time and money invests the stars in your appearance. However, it would be mistakenly assuming that the secrets of beauty of world-famous stars are only in plastic operations and expensive injections. Some of them managed to put the aging process "to pause" with the help of affordable things. Let us know how stars manage to stay in the form for years!

Sophie Lauren - Olive Oil

Sophie Loren is a supporter of the Mediterranean diet, which means that his health and beauty she trusts olive oil. She uses it not only for adding to the dish! Sophie has preserved its skin with soft and velvet due to the hot tub, in which it always adds a few drops of oil oil.

Audrey Hepburn: studs and couple

According to the famous Hollywood Hairdresser Peter Lamas, Hepbern very rarely used cosmetics. The actress twice a week made steam baths for face and neck, believing that it allows her skin to be clean and shine. What are the studs here? Audrey asked his stylist Alberto de Rossi after applying the carcasses to separate every vain with the help of a pin.

J.NNifer Lopez - Grapefruit Oil

Jay Loa has a whole arsenal of tools to maintain its beautiful appearance. One of them - inhalation of grapefruit essential oil to reduce their appetite and weight control. The results of experiments showed: if for 15 minutes three times a day to make steam baths with citrus oil, really can be reduced by appetite. However, one should not be treated as a panacea.

Meryl Strip and Swimming

Meril has never been a beauties in a classic Hollywood sense, but this did not prevent her a kumir for millions of women. It is known that the event is not a supporter of plastic operations and injections for rejuvenation as its peers.

"I believe that people have a funny look when their faces "fading" after plastic. "

Meril admits that it is very cautious to the skin, it does not abuse decorative cosmetics, never leaves home without cream with SPF filter. Classes in the gym Strip also does not like, in return, it prefers to swim in the pool - the 70-year-old actress sail several moles every day!

Gelli Berry and hammer coffee

Of course, the actress can afford to use any valuable procedures for taking care of themselves, but in the fight against cellulite, Gella fails to scrub from ordinary coffee. She prepares himself: mixes a shower gel and a small portion of a hammer. Experts believe that due to antioxidants contained in coffee and light massage of problem zones can indeed get rid of cellulite over a short period and without unnecessary expenses.

Victoria Beckham and Placenta Sheep

Among all skin care products, Vikki chose the series of creams that contain the placenta of sheep. It's no secret that the placenta of animals has a number of useful properties due to the content of stem cells that are saturated with nutrients - this guarantees an unsurpassed rejuvenation effect. The only minus such means - they are not available for most women, because they are in the Luxury price segment.

Sharon Stone: Iron Discipline

The actress never hides his age and constantly states that it only looks better. The actress never resorted to surgical methods, and everyone who does not really trust such statements, proposes to meet in court. Sharon calls to love himself, do not go to bed with makeup and maintain the beauty of the skin with proper nutrition. The actress does not use sugar, chocolate, macaroni, bread and chips. On her desk you can see cheese, oatmeal, chicken meat, fruits, vegetables, nuts and fish. Sharon enjoys pampering his skin with lifting effects, vegetable masks and icy baths.

Demi Moore - leeches and a special beauty cocktail

It seems that the beauty of Demi Moore is not subject to time. Understands assure: the actress resorted to surgical corrections, but the actress confidently refutes everything. For many years, the star "Ghost" and "Soldier Jane" uses a hirudotherapy, regularly cleansing blood with medical leeches.

And yet Hollywood beauty has its own recipe for a cocktail of youth, which includes water with lemon juice, maple syrup and a pinch of kaen pepper. Moore says: "I'm constantly moisturizing, moisturizing and moisturizing the skin! This is the best lesson that gave me mom. If now it's good to master, then you will not need a lot of cosmetics. "

Very good recommendations to be listened. Hollywood stars are not advised!

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