6 the brightest images of repercents Alyona Alyona

Not as all, and in this Kaif!

Who would think that the usual educator of the children's garden Olena Savranenko will ever be logged in to the ranking of the best women-rappers portal Highsnobiety? Some disadvantages it, someone browsing and takes an example. However, nobody can reproduce Alyona Alyona because it is insincere, false or unbroken. We offer you a few images of a singer in which very eloquently and brightly depicts the essence of this girl.

About people living as if "fish in aquarium"

Cheerful, ridiculous and somewhat Ironical Elena in real life is very responsible for the content of their songs, interviews and advertising in which participates. At the same time, she always says the phrase "I will watch children."

One of the best images that she chose for the Vouge magazine, you can name this Total Black Luck. He is elegant and rather restrained. Similar dresses clearly emphasize the seriousness of the intentions of the girl and her mood.

The image consists of several things: a black classic dress with a cut, a restrained black suit-three (jacket, trousers and top). They successfully complements a set of massive gold chain and bracelet. On the legs, deer white boots on heels, which balancing the image, make it not so predatory and aggressive.

"We are those who are "

Last year, Reperk surprised the participants and spectators of the M1 Music Awards 2019 Music Award, rather unusual onion. She appeared on a red track in a transparent outfit that looked pretty provocative: black body and red transparent dress from above.

Subscribers and users of social networks immediately reacted to this photo, noting that Alyona Alyona is trying to attract attention to the subject of bodyposivitis.

"It's a dress of my girlfriends, nor and alien. The outfit shows that we are that we are, any body can be attractive, good, "commented on the reperception of its outfits.

"He loves her, but she likes to beat the dishes "

Alyona Alyona recorded a collapse with the French executor of electronic music Vladimir Cauchemar. The main role with repercus played Russian comic and actor Alexander Gudkov.

Elena faced a clip in the image of a maid, dressed in a white shirt and a red dress. Her heroine is tired and throughout the clip only that it does, which trishes. Gudkov played a concierge, which to her in love with her. "I thought to write a track about the body that is tired and wants to be as far from people ", - explained his creative idea of ​​Elena.

"Ordinary girl who tells about ordinary things rather than drugs, money and meat "

Even at the beginning of a career Alyona Alyona gave an interview with Vogue magazine, just releasing his debut album.

During the shooting of Olena, Kyiv, one of the sleeping regions of the capital. For a walk she chose a style of a kejal. The bow consists of a sports comfortable gray suit, beige trunk and colorful Panques with a printed print. On the legs of Olena comfortable sneakers. The company's company amounted to two sympathetic dogs.

Incidentally, a recently recently took part in a clip dedicated to the theme of homeless animals. The main heroes of the roller call people not to buy animals of expensive breeds, but to take future pet pets.

"I wish everyone found my lifebuoy "

In the "Rescue Circle" clip, Alyona Alyona is trying to present beauty standards and demonstrates that shaming is unacceptable in any form. Reperka starred in a roller with a former participant of the Kyivstoner mushroom group. In the clip in an ironic form, a new reality is represented, where the victims are victims of full people.

In the reperce clip faced a sports dress: bright blue pants, orange bodies and bag in predatory prints. The video very quickly became popular online.

"Dancing with stars "

The participation of Alyona Alyona in the Project "Dancing with the Stars" was very surprised by its fans, but provocations are quite a natural phenomenon in the life of the performer.

So, on one of the exits, Elena appeared in a rather sedentary image that perfectly expanded to the inflammatory salsa, which she performed with his partner on parquet Yuri Gurich.

Elena appeared in a bright green dress: body and gowns, black leggings and comfortable sneakers. A passionate and energetic dance judges appreciated not too high, but a bold couple instantly became a favorite of the project, at least in social networks.

Categories: Fashion
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