7 simple steps to go to proper nutrition
Girls, be sure, the result of the transition to PC will surprise you even if you do not play sports!

You probably have been heard more than once: "We are what we eat." And it's really like that. The choice of products directly affects our health. Food provides the life of our body, gives us strength and energy, and even affects our mood. That is why the proper nutrition is one of the most important conditions of a healthy lifestyle.
1.Day for discharge
As well as any technique, the human body can be overloaded. Scientists have established that in nutrition issues, a sharp limitation of the amount of food for a short time allows to reduce its further volume required for a sense of saturation. That is, if you plan to go to proper nutrition, then do 1 day a week of unloading. If you do everything right, you will further need smaller portions to eat.

2. Avoid sugar
There is already enough studies that prove that according to the nature of dependence, sugar can be compared with drugs, in particular the heroin. When a person restricts the use of sugar, it can even join with the cancellation syndrome (also known as "framing"). But one who stands for such a test will be rewarded with a strong sleep, good skin, better nerves and healthy digestion.
Please note that in 2020 to avoid sugar - means not only not to eat sweet, but also to pay attention to the content of sugar in other products, because now it is added to yogurt, sauces, meat, etc.

3. Don't eat at night
A large volume of food before bedtime affects the work of your hormonal system that in the period of rest should be configured not on digestion, but for the restoration of forces. If you fall asleep at the time when the digestive processes have not ended, some of them will be completed only when you wake up. Sleep on a complete stomach causes a lot of inconvenience, for example, the occurrence of heartburn, bite and acidity. Try to go to bed no earlier than 2 hours after eating.

4. Travel new tastes
Everything in the world is just a matter of habit. If for a long time you ate hamburgers and fried potatoes, immediately go to healthy food will be not easy. But over time you will find new tastes that will get to you. To do this, you need to taste and experiment with new products and do not forget that our taste receptors need at least a few weeks for restructuring. Do not give up, and over time the body thanks you for such a stable useful habits.

5. Avoidusealcohol
The use of alcohol in itself can lead to unpleasant consequences, such as a hangover. It is also proved that alcohol awakens appetite. In addition, alcohol is used to use with food (which is correct, it reduces the load on the stomach), so you receive additional calories with it. Therefore, when moving to proper nutrition, you need to abandon cocktails and other alcoholic beverages, and to leave only white dry wine in your diet.

6. Remember to drink water
Dietitians believe that people often perceive thirst for hunger. Drink a glass of water - often this will already be enough for feeling better and reduce the feeling of hunger. Do not forget that an adult need to consume at least two liters of water a day. This volume does not include tea, coffee or juices.

7. Remember a healthy sleep
Numerous studies confirm that there is a direct link between insufficient sleep and a decrease in the power of will. Simply put, an organism that does not get enough rest will be worse to rely temptations, especially food. The best way to cope with the thrust to "Night Bill" is to lie down and sleep at least eight hours in a row. And in the morning, do not forget to have a delicious.

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