Best supplements to reduce inflammation

Sink and calm your body with the help of these supplements supported by the experts.

Food, glorious food. There is no incredible shortageFoods that help your body fight inflammation. But beyond following aanti-inflammatory regimeSupplements can be a powerful tool to help you reduce inflammation.

With innumerable products on the market, it can be difficult to know what to search and what ingredients you should zoom in in your search. That's why we contacted dietitians and registered documents learned to share the best supplements to reduce inflammation. As always, talk to a health professional before adding a new supplement to your routine. Read it and for more things about how to eat healthy, do not miss7 healthiest foods to eat right now.



kale broccoli

"Quercetin is a plant compound that supports the body by eliminating toxins, decreasing cell damage andreduce inflammation, "ActionsJoanna Foley, Rd, CLT. "It's also one of the strongest antihistamines of nature and can help fight seasonal allergies," she adds. FYI: Quercetin is in foods like curly cabbage, blueberries and broccoli. It is certainly a good load of these dense nutrient fruits and vegetables, as much as possible for its content in quercetin, as well as many other antioxidants and health benefits. .

READ MORE:Best supplements for better skin, according to experts



Turmeric pill supplement

Looking for an anti-inflammatory boost? You may already sprinkle this powerful spice on everything or with the help of fresh grass in curries, salad dressings, marinades, etc., but for increased power, taking it as a supplement could be a good idea. "Curcumin composed active, found inTurmeric, has awell established story as a powerful anti-inflammatory, "saysShahzadi Devje, Rd, CDE, MSC, aka desiicious. "Some of the surprising people, his remarkable efficiency wasassimilated to that of anti-inflammatory drugs used in medicine - without any significant side effects. "

If you are fighting with light inflammation, asregistered dietitian and certified diabetes educator, Devje suggests integrating a curcuma teaspoon a day or two grams in your diet. "With severe inflammation, the literature suggests completing with 500 mg curcumin per dose for about eight to 12 weeks and evaluating accordingly," she adds.

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Vitamin D

vitamin d

Yes, you can do it from the sun and your diet, but many of us do not have enough. "This nutrient has been discovered often in people with pain and inflammation. Vitamin D acts more like a hormone and can significantly reduce inflammation when levels are standardized", actions "Sanjiv Lakhia, do, a certified physicist of the board. "In ato study With more than 9,000 participants, those with low vitamin D reported more back pain, other cases of severe back pain and higher limitations in their daily activities. Complete appropriately causing improvements in pain and function. "

READ MORE:5 amazing advantages of vitamin D, according to experts



magnesium pills

Dr. Lakhia is also a fan of this natural anti-inflammatory complement widely studied (it is a mineral found in essential foods for your body function). "The low cellular levels of magnesium have been associated with high levels of CRP, a protein inflammation marker in the blood", does it share, attracting our attention to thisto study. "Supplement with magnesium can stabilize inflamed nerves and serve as a natural muscular and pain relief", continues, also commenting that highly absorbable chelate forms such as magnesium glycinate are better used for inflammation. Continue reading:Surprising side effects of magnesium supplements, say dietitians.


Alpha-lipoic acid (ALA)

omega capsule

Thisomega-3 healthy grease Perhaps the trouble to be added to your routine as a supplement. "This is a powerful antioxidant shown byresearchTo help reduce inflammatory markers in the blood, "says Foley." Ala can help protect the body many types of diseases and help fight against them if it is already present. "




AsTrista K. Best, MPH, Rd, LDN a dietitian registered withBalancing a, says "when anyone mentions the benefits ofprobioticsThis usually has something to do with the improvement of digestion. In other cases, it is about restoring the intestine flora after an antibiotic course. "However, as best explains, the benefits of probiotics extend well beyond your intestine." The improvement of this microbiota with probiotics has been shown to improve this interaction and reduce inflammation and articular pain. Healthy bacteria in probiotic supplements work to counter the "bad" bacteria causing your symptoms, "she says.

Indeed, there is a corpus of encouraging studies that seems to indicate that probiotics can help certain chronic conditions and diseases fromarthritis Todepression. "In rheumatoid polarthritis, ulcerative colitis and multiple sclerosis, the microbial modification by probiotics has been demonstrated to mitigate gastrointestinal symptoms and multi-organ inflammation in several randomized controlled studies," saidMary Claire Hover, MD, a certified certified culinary medicine specialist certified and founder of theGalveston regime, an online nutrition program for mid-life women focusing on an anti-inflammatory regime, pointing to thisresearch.




You may have heard of Melatonin for his role to help you sleep better, but there is more than this hormone. "Melatonin acts as an antioxidant, cleaning free radicals that can increase inflammation," saysCaitlin Beale, MS, RDN. "It has been shown that the body helped the body reduce the production of inflammatory chemicals," she adds, underliningthis study andthis one In terms of melatonin and inflammation.

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