History of Love Anna Sedokov and Janis Timma

Will this union be able to hold more than 2 years, because it was after this limit to collapse two previous marriages of the singer.

37 years old, three wedding, three children from different men, a court of depriving parental rights, one child out of marriage, one broken family ... Personal life singer is very rich.

Anna was a well-known footballer Valentin Belkevich. It was through him the star at one time left the band "Via Game". Daughter Alina was born in a couple, but this marriage lasted only 2 years. 8 years after divorce, in 2014 Valentin suddenly died of thromboembolism.

The second husband artist became a businessman Maxim Chernyavsky. Together, they also lived 2 years, giving birth to Monica's daughter. After divorce Maxim took a girl in a former wife and even tried to deprive her parental rights. Subsequently, this conflict managed to settle, Monica lives in the US with his father and often arrives in Mom.

In 2017, the rumors of pregnancy Anne from Artem Komarova - a descendant of an influential family, younger than it for 9 years. A short romance between Anna and Artem originated while filming a clip on the song of the singer "First Love" (first love). From this alliance, a small hector appeared on the world. The parent from the child did not refuse, but the relationship continues did not receive.

And, at the end of the summer last year, journalists talked about a new romance of the star. Already in the autumn, Sedakov published the first light with a new loved one. The choice of a singer became a 28-year-old Latvian basketball player Janis Timma. Of course, this story did not go without a scandal. Later it became known that at the time of the novel with a singer Janis was still married. Although the athlete assured that they were more than six months old as they do not live together. Soon the truth has become clear. The betrayed woman outlined an angry post in a social network, where he said that a man left them with a newborn son and went to Anna. Of course, people condemn a singer for this, especially, given the fact that in marriage with Valentin Belkevich, the artist and most repeatedly experienced a betrayal of her husband, which even wrote in his book "I am strong. I exercise. " (I'm strong. I'm fond).

They met in love with absolutely accidentally. High Beauty Timma immediately liked Sead, but she did not show it. But they began to communicate online, it was very close. Soon Janis invited Anna to the cinema. After that they no longer parted. In an interview, Janis admitted that he immediately felt in Anni's soul:"It happens that you begin to communicate with a person and immediately you understand that he knew its whole life." Despite this, Heaters literally buried the artist by wrorn comments. The loop of people's condemnation stretches still. Janis also tries to establish relationships with a former wife in all times. Everything for the son, because he loves him very much and wants to be present in his life. So far, the situation is complicated, but Janis does not lose optimism.

In July this year, Anna received a hand and heart offer from Timma. Everything happened in Miami (USA), while walking on a white yacht. The singer immediately shared joy with his supporters, publishing a photo of the rings in Instagram.

The wedding couple took place on September 6. The ceremony was passed without an extra noise in the colorful (village near Moscow, known as a large number of star residents). The format of the event is a holiday dinner for the nearest family members and friends. Under the crown, the artist has become a gun dress from Zuhair Murad. Newlyweds did not hide the fact of his marriage, but also did not tell you. It so happened that on the eve of the wedding couple invited to become guests in Russia TV shows "Evening Urgant" (evening Urgant). In this ether, Anna and Janis first told all his joyful news.

Honeymoon Couple held in Sunny Miami (USA). Now the spouses dreams of a joint child. Life will show whether this union will be able to hold more than 2 years, because it was after this limit to collapse two previous marriages of the singer.

Categories: Entertainment
Tags: Anna Sedoku
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