8 main reasons not to marry 30 years

Now, according to statistics, most surfactants do not visit RAGS to 30th. For our grandmothers is a good horror, but in a later marriage there are very significant advantages.

As they say thirty - these are new twenty. In the modern world, most of us later adopt important life decisions than previous generations. We learn longer, later we are defined with a professional direction, a place of residence, an apartment, a significant later, we state children. In particular, we are later married. Significantly later. Now, according to statistics, most surfactants do not visit RAGS to 30th. For our grandmothers - this is a real horror, but in a later marriage there are very significant advantages.

  1. You know what you want from life

Few of us exactly knows what it wants in 18 or even 22. In order to determine priorities, we all need to live adult life, meet new people, try different opportunities. It is this way we find out who we really are. But only well knowing themselves, we can choose a suitable partner. If you get married right after school, there is a probability that after a couple of years it will be that you want to have four children, and your partner wants to travel the world on a bike.

  1. You know what you want from a partner

Know your life goals is one but no less important to know which person you want to see along with you. What distance you need in relationships with which the disadvantages you are ready to put up, and with which no hobbies will unite you, and which - will create additional problems. All these - very significant - knowledge of themselves and their expectations from relationships we, unfortunately, do not get in the form of instructions to their heads. To find this knowledge requires time.

  1. You are the proceedsL.Do a couple of frills

Teased times when for the first time people kissed at their wedding. The opportunity to get closer to the adoption of important life decisions helped many people to avoid large mistakes. However, all we are not insured from small mistakes. Moreover, preliminary unsuccessful relationships help us to appreciate the ones that finally developed. The experience is needed in any case, and in the construction of the family as well.

  1. You will be able to communicate better

Speaking about experience, it is also worth mentioning communication skills that each person pumps all his life. If in adolescent years we escaped from the image in tears, in the older, we are already able to explain to others that they were not waiting. Communication is the basis of any relationship, primarily love. The better you pump them, the happier will be your marriage.

  1. You will have financial freedom (at least relative)

The issue of money is not the main but very important. If you already have 30, you already earn and be able to independently lead your budget. You do not completely depend on your partner and you can count on your own strengths, not on its earnings or parents' money. This gives you extra confidence in yourself and independence, and therefore makes a relationship more stable.

  1. You will have experience in farming

Should not underestimate the experience of independent life. Nothing helps to take care of yourself, your health, your home and all the practical aspects of your life, as a while alone with you. Any adult, regardless of gender, should be able to take care of himself, then she will be able to do the same for others. Ability to prepare and maintain order - significant advantages and in common life as well.

  1. You have a smaller risk of divorce

The divorce risk is still high. It is high for everyone who is in relationships. The more consciously we accept this decision, the more likely that we have taken into account the majority of circumstances and are ready for possible difficulties. The percentage of divorces among marriages, concluded after 30th, steadily falls in accordance with the age of partners. So, checking your feelings, you increase your chances will not collide with divorce.

  1. The wedding will be better

It will be better for many reasons. You will already have money to design according to your tastes, you will already have close friends with whom you will be glad to split this day. It will be your wedding rather than your parents. For the sake of this, it is worth waiting a bit.

Categories: Relationship
Tags: love / marriage / marriage
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