6 reasons why don't start a relationship with a former girlfriend

If you are confident that the strength of your feelings can overcome any difficulties, then with a former girlfriend it is worth built relationships. But, if you do not know if you are worth having a coffee with it, here are some arguments in favor of what do not do this.

All of us are used to believe that love obey everything, but with all rules there is an exception. Therefore, if you are sure that the strength of your feelings is able to overcome any difficulties, then with a former girlfriend it is worth built relationships. But, if you do not know if you are worth having a coffee with it, here are some arguments in favor of what do not do this.

  1. The girlfriend will hurt

Even if you ask a girlfriend permission and even if it says that it does not mind, in the depths of the soul you both know that it is not. If this is your closest girlfriend and you have a warm relationship, a novel with its former will affect them not the best. In the end, you will have to choose between it and it.

  1. Meetings in a joint company will be a strange

Imagine a hike in a cinema or a cafe a large collective, where all three will be: he, she and you. This will be at least not convenient, including for your surroundings. And if you constantly give up joint meetings, you will lose your friends. This is an unpleasant feeling and not all the relationship its worth.

  1. Old feelings can always come back

"From the eyes of Doli - from the heart away" does not work in this case. If he is now found with you, you will constantly intersect in the same places with a girlfriend. Under these circumstances, throwing past from the head will be very difficult. And suddenly their feelings will flame again and he decides to return to her? A more unpleasant situation of one and imagine.

  1. You will feel jealousy

Without it will not do it. One thing to know that there were once another relationship in her beloved, and it's quite different - to know exactly what.

  1. Your reputation will suffer

If you started meeting a former girlfriend, other girlfriends will stop trusting you. This is an instinctive reaction. Agree, you would and yourself.

  1. The chances of happiness are small

Inexorable statistics are not on the side of your potential pair. Science says that such relationships arise quite often, but for long-term plans or marriage, people tend to choose new people from their surroundings. And this also applies to women and men. This means that the novel with a former girlfriend may seem an interesting idea, but in practice it will become a headache that can spoil your life. Men in the world a lot - maybe it's worth finding someone else!

Categories: Relationship
Tags: psychology
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