How to accelerate metabolism and begin to lose weight: 6 simple rules

A girlfriend eats a cake and has a good figure, and you count every calorie and do not all the same time in your favorite dress?

A girlfriend eats a cake and has a good figure, and you count every calorie and do not all the same time in your favorite dress? "I have fast metabolism" she says calmly. Is it a sentence and you can never? Indeed, good metabolism is hereditary. Someone luck for fate gifts, but everyone else is not worth upset. Everyone who aspires to healthy and beautiful appearance has such an opportunity. After all, its metabolism can be accelerated, or as they often say to the people to "disperse". And for this, you do not need any pills or expensive complexes of procedures. Sufficiently your awareness, desire to change your life qualitatively and to adhere to the plan of action. Of course, visit the doctor will be absolutely not superfluous, because it is about your health and additional attention in this issue is only welcome. So while, here are a few basic recommendations to begin to lose weight already:

1. Healthy sleep

Think it's banal? But without a healthy sleep it is impossible to be in good shape - it's an axiom. A person needs to sleep 8 hours. It is in a dream that a hormone leptin regulates the energy exchange in the body. His chronic shortage can lead to obesity, as well as to diabetes mellitus. Consider that excessive sleep can also damage, so keep your balance. The most active processes of regeneration and metabolism are in the body from 22:00 to 01:00. Therefore, it's so important to try to fall asleep before and wake up. Compliance with the correct day mode - your guaranteed success.

2. Food and glycemic index

Feed enough. After all, the hunger strike will not accelerate your metabolism, but only an organism in stress, and will make it accumulate fat. The first and main advice - to give up "fast" carbohydrates (torment, sweets, snacks) in favor of "slow" (vegetables, fruits, whole grain products). Here you will use a table with a glycemic index of products that can be freely found on the Internet. Glycemic index is an indicator indicating an increase in glucose levels in the use of a particular product. So, the lower it is a glycemic index, the more useful is this product.

3. Fats are important!

Fats are part of the cell structures of the body - are directly involved in the formation of membranes of new cells. For full regeneration and good metabolism, they must be not less than 20% of the diet. Use the so-called "good" fats contained in nuts, seeds, vegetable oils, avocado, olives, fish (mackerel, salmon, herring, tuna). It is important to completely eliminate the consumption of trans-fats (fried products, margarine, houses, semi-finished products), because they negatively affect the work of the cardiovascular system.

4. Water

Water is life. In the straightforward sense of word. All processes of our body are literally tied to this liquid. The only norm of consumption for all people does not exist, but there is a minimum - 6 glasses of clean, natural water per day. LIFHHAK to increase metabolism - drink cold water. After all, the body spends additional energy to warm water to body temperature. Especially effective will drink a glass of cold water in the morning on an empty stomach, and then - before each meal. An additional bonus is a decrease in appetite and reduction of consumption of unnecessary calories.

5.Physical activity

Lying on the sofa metabolism will not accelerate - an accomplished fact. There is a direct connection here: the more actively works your body, the stronger "accelerates" metabolism. However, if you are not accustomed to physical activity, it is not necessary to run a cross. Start with the simplest - enter a useful habit as much to walk on foot. Discard the elevator, or go out of transport to stop-two before the destination point. Try to make regular gymnastics, start engaging in any kind of interval training.

6. Black Chocolate and Ginger

Well, and a surprise to dessert. Flavonoids and endorphins, as well as copper, potassium, magnesium - all this greatly contributes to good metabolism and contained in natural black chocolate. Up to 30 grams a day will be quite enough to pamper yourself and unnecessary calories. Oriental spices and ginger, in particular, through their content can accelerate metabolism to 10%. Doreches, modern confectioners have long been offered black chocolate with spices. Let it become your secret engine with a metabolism and good mood!

Categories: Beauty
Tags: metabolism
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