8 ways to use sea salt you didn't know about

Sea salt is an inexpensive and affordable product, so here are some ways to use it that will be useful in your daily care ...

Once the salt was very expensive. For example, in the Middle Ages, she even played the role of money along with other valuable objects, and in Ethiopia pound of salt remained currency until the beginning of the XX century. The expression "I eat it salt" in India matters that "he holds me, I owe him." People learned to receive salt from seawater about 4000 years. Unlike conventional food, marine salt except sodium chloride contains potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, bromine, manganese, zinc, selenium, copper, silicon and iodine. Of course, it can not significantly affect the inner shortage of these substances, because to use a lot of salt - it hurts the body. And her application in cosmetology is definitely useful and even has a separate term - "thalassotherapy" - the use of the healing properties of the sea (algae, mud, water, salts) with medical and cosmetic purposes. Sea salt is an inexpensive and affordable product, so there are several ways to use it that will be useful in daily care:

1. Nail care

Often after removing the gel lacquer nails become fragile and acquire an unhealthy yellow tint. In order to strengthen them and add transparency: squeeze the juice of lemon, add there for a 1 teaspoon of salt and soda, dip into this mass of hands and furnish the nail plates. Repeat twice a week.

2. Peeling for the body

Sea salt in combination with simple ingredients can become a wonderful body peeling and especially for more coarse parts (five, elbows). Mix the hemisphere of coconut oil, 1 teaspoon of vitamin E and honey with 1 cup of sea salt (small). Use as a scrub.

3. Peeling for the head

If you get a magnifier, you can cook the next scrub: 2 tablespoons of sea salt and as much coconut oil. Do not intensively face a mixture of head for 5 min. and rinse thoroughly. Use not more than once every 2 weeks.

4. Peeling for lips

In order to make the skin of the lips even more gentle, mix 2 teaspoons of sea salt with 1 teaspoon of liquid honey. The mixture carefully rub into the lips and wash water. Use 1 time per week.

5. Hair remedy

If you are the owner of natural wavy hair, then the next solution will help you slightly emphasize it: Dissolve 1 tablespoon of salt in 100 mg. Water, pour into a spray and apply on not to the end of the high hair. Distribute throughout the length of blurred movements from the bottom up. This will add a volume and light waves. But remember that the solution does not divide into direct hair.

6. Means from cellulite

This tool should not be used simultaneously with body peeling. For cooking, mix a half-cup of coconut oil and 1 cup of sea salt. Wipe a mixture of massage movements into problem areas and leave for 15 minutes. Rinse with cool water. This procedure will also increase the permeable ability of anti-cellulite creams.

7. A device against acne

Sea salt will help remove excessive fat and killed cells from the face that will clear the pores and slightly wipes the skin fat. Mix 2 teaspoons of sea salt (small) with 1 teaspoon of liquid honey and 1 teaspoon of olive oil. Easily face face. Rinse with warm water. Use not more than 1 times per week.

8. Rinse for mouth

Rinquencing of the oral cavity with a solution of sea salt will first ensure in support of the Neutral PH level. This will prevent the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria. Also, this procedure will reduce the inflammation of the gums as if "extracting" liquid from the inflamed zone. Recipe for the preparation of such rinseer is very simple: Dissolve 1 teaspoon of sea salt in a glass of boiled water. Finishing your mouth for 1 min. Can be used daily.

Categories: Beauty
Tags: sea salt.
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