7 unexpected reasons why men fall in love with a woman

We are all looking for the same. However, this and so difficult task becomes more complex in a modern overloaded world. Moreover, people - creatures are difficult and not always their behavior understood or predictable.

We are all looking for the same. However, this and so difficult task becomes more complex in a modern overloaded world. Moreover, people - creatures are difficult and not always their behavior understood or predictable. For example, we are not always falling in love with who is well suited. Often, the subconscious makes a choice for us. This is especially characteristic of men. They can fall in love with various, completely unexpected reasons. Let's take a look at which exactly.

  1. You have "alive" mimics

Mimica is a natural mechanism that arose in the process of human evolution. His goal was to transfer information about the state of its surroundings. Accordingly, the mobile mimic is subconsciously perceived by us as a sign of openness, honesty and viability. Such perception is characteristic of both sexes, but, due to the growing popularity of various cosmetic manipulations, women's face become less mobile. And for nothing, because these men appreciate, often more than smooth skin with full lack of wrinkles.

  1. You don't take a look for a long time

This is also a mechanism of evolution. From nature we tend to look for a long time that we are especially interesting. And if it is another person, then she subconsciously perceives a long look as a sign of interest. And we are inclined to give those who we like. Moreover, you can even look at a person, not realizing that we look at her long (so often happens to those who are not very good vision). Whatever the look caused, especially men interpret it as a sign of interest. Look at men long but cautiously.

  1. You look like someone from his past

In fact, on its former. Probably discouraging it, because we all want to be single and unique. But studies show that very often men are inclined to appreciate the appearance of women who are similar to their former, but lower - women similar to their current loved ones. This is due to the classical feature of our psyche: people quickly forget the worst, but can long keep memories of good that has already ended. In addition, people are also prone to a certain type of partners. Therefore, perhaps the similarity to the former is not bad. Not a fact that it hurts it.

  1. You look like his parents

In the life of any person, parents play a much greater role in any former or ex. Sub conscious men can consider an attractive woman who reminds him of the most expensive people in people's life. And this may not only be the appearance. Perhaps you are able to skillfully repair the car as his father, or your sense of humor reminds him mother. Don't think that it sounds weird. Women are also looking for parents' features in partners.

  1. You look like it

In most cases, opposites are not attracted. Mostly we are looking for people similar to us, love the same things, have the same values. Psychologists argue that the subconscious mechanism of searching similarity is so powerful that even beautiful we will seem in the first place, the faces of which are similar to our own.

  1. You seem inaccessible

Not so unexpected, but men fall in love with those who seem to be unavailable. It is also controlled by ancient instincts - a partner that seems uninterrupted, probably has a wide selection, and if it has a choice, then its genes deserve reproduction. Of course, modern approaches to personal life a bit compensating for such an old-fashioned installation, but it has not lost its relevance.

  1. You seem happy

Everything is simple here - subconsciously all people seek happiness. From personal life, we also want light and positive emotions in the first place. We all dream of a partner that will make our lives better. As well as in men. Each of them would like to have a woman who radiates the joy and fullness of life. If you learn to be happy, then men will consider you more attractive, and you will be better, or without them.

Categories: Relationship
Tags: love / psychology
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