Exotic dishes that you can easily cook at home

Unusual and exotic dishes from different parts of the world can be prepared and at home, we just have to look into the nearest supermarket.

Unusual and exotic dishes from different parts of the world can be prepared and at home, we just have to look into the nearest supermarket. Therefore, do not waste time and surprise your loved ones with new interesting recipes.

1. Acute Cheese Panier (India)

To prepare acute cheese, you do not definitely cook it from milk, or to look for a pan in a supermarket. For this dish it is enough to take Adygean cheese for us. You will need 400 grams. Take 6 cm of ginger roots, 3 cloves of garlic, 50 grams of butter. Also, do not forget about spices: 2st.L. Coriander seeds, 1 tbsp Turmeric, 0.5 tsp Seeds of kumin and black hammer pepper to taste.

Ginger cut straw, and cheese medium size cubes. Butter melts on a small fire, add ginger and garlic to it. Cook them 5-7 minutes, add coriander and kumin. At the maximum fire, these ingredients are fragmented for approximately 4 minutes. After that add cheese on a frying pan. On a big fire, we prepare it for 4 minutes. Add a brown and black pepper at the end. The sharp cheese pan is ready!

2. Moto (Japan)

For the preparation of the National Japanese paste, you will need 1 glass of rice flour, 1 cup of sugar, about 1 glass of water and 2 drops of vinegar. If you add a dye, you can get different colors. For a filler you can take a chocolate paste, jam or pieces of fruit or berries. We will make motto with ice cream, such a dessert will be relevant in summer heat. Rice flour mix with sugar and a food dye, add water with vinegar and mix to a homogeneous state. Exhibit the microwave oven on the power of 650-700 W and warm the dough 3 times in 1.5 minutes. Mix continually. When the dough is a creek cool, pour on the work surface of starch, on your hands as well. From the dough, make a sausage, which is covered by 8 equal parts. Each part roll in a thin pancake in the center Put the filling and wrap the edges to the center. Form a round cake. Sprinkled with sugar powder and submit to the table.

3. Guacamole (Mexico)

Very fast and just cook this delicious avocado sauce at home. It is traditionally served with corn chips, but you can eat and with meat or fish. Or just paint on bread. Take 2 ripe tomatoes, 3 avocados, 1 onion, 1 chili peppers, lime, garlic clove and a bunch of cilantro. Onion cut smallenno, with a lime, remove the zest by means of grass. Remove the seeds from Chile's peppers, and with tomatoes remove the peel. It's easy to do if you share them with boiling water. Tomatoes, Kinza and Chile also cut into small pieces. Sauce Sauce, add lime juice and 2 spoons of water. Carefully mix all the ingredients for a fork. From the avocado remove the skin and remove the ankle. Mix it with a fork and mix thoroughly with paste. Guacamole is ready!

4. Taco (Mexico)

Snack or basic dish - to decide only to you. Tasty and nutritious Mexican Taco, or Tacos will come to taste! You will need 10 cakes Tacos, 200 g of chicken fillet, 1 onion, garlic, 80 ml of olive oil, 250 g of tomatoes, 100 g of boiled beans, 1 avocado, 1 lemon, 50 g of solid cheese, salt, sugar, chili peppers, and Milk black pepper to taste. Onion, onion and chili peppers cut into pieces and roast on oil. Chicken fillet cut into small pieces. Add to vegetables and fry to white meat. From tomatoes, remove the peel and cut them into small pieces. Add them to a frying pan. Add salt, pepper and sugar. Shuffle. Add beans and ture on a small heat for 10 minutes. If you have not found TICs, cut round shapes from the lavash. Drink them in a frying pan, and put them in half. Wait for them to fix this form. Snip cheese, avocado Cut into pieces, water it with lemon juice. In the cake, place a spoon of meat filling, then avocado and grated cheese.

5. Khau Phath (Thailand)

Very fast in cooking a meal from simple products. Can be served as a garnish or as an independent meal. You need 1 glass of already boiled rice, 1 onion, 4 garlic cloves, 1 tomato, 1 chili pepper pods, 2 tbsp. Soy sauce, 1 tbsp vegetable oil, salt to taste. Onion, garlic and chile cut into pieces. Warm up on a pan of oil and fry vegetables. Add chopped tomato and soy sauce. After a few minutes, add boiled rice. Fry on average for about 5 minutes and submit to the table.

6. Poky (Hawaii)

This taste salad resembles sushi, but you need nothing to twist. For easy meal, 60 g of salmon fillet, 80 g rice for sushi, 25 g of sweet salad, 15 g of marinated ginger, 1 small avocado, ½ cucumber, 1 radish, 3 tablespoons, 3 tablespoons. soy sauce. For decoration, you can use finely cut off leaves of burrows and sesame. Rice is paired, fill it with rice vinegar with sugar to taste. Salmon fillet Cut pieces, cucumber circles, radishes also circles. Lay out in the cable rice, lamb, ginger, salmon, cucumber, radishes, hole, sesame and green onions. Serve on a table with soy sauce.

7. Gunbao Chicken (China)

This dish will be festive on your desk. And for her preparation, it does not take much time. You will need 700 g of chicken fillet, 2 tbsp. Soy sauce, 2 tbsp Rice vinegar, 1 tbsp Corn starch, 80 ml of peanut butter, 3 feathers of green onion, 2 tbsp. Sichuan pepper (you can replace with a hammer coriander), 75 g of purified peanuts, 2 cloves of garlic, 10 g of ginger, 1 tablespoons. Chili pastes, 2 onions, 1 tsp sugar, 12 chili peppers. Fillet Make and cut a 1.5 cm cubes in height. Mix with 2 tsp Soy sauce, 2 tsp starch and 2 tsp the vinegar. Leave for 30 minutes. Green onion grind and connect with a hammer Sichuan pepper. In a separate capacity, mix the remnants of soy sauce, vinegar, starch, add the same paste from Chile and sugar. Mix thoroughly. In a saucepan, pour oil. Warm up on a large heat. Put the chili pods into the chili pods and fry for 15 seconds. Chile get out of oil. Put a fishing boat on a large fire, pour there ¼ oil. Shake half of chicken meat for 2-3 minutes. After that, woven weapons and pour the second part of the oil. Shake the remaining chicken. After that, woven again and pour the oil that has left. On it, over a minute onion rings, add all chicken, peanuts, crushed garlic, ginger, as well as the sauce that we prepared in advance. Mix the chicken until the pieces are covered even by sauce. Add a mallet Sichuan pepper and a green onion, submit a dish to the desk.

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