6 signs that your beloved happy beside you

Other people do not look at the head. Even when we are close, we spend a lot of time and, it would seem, know one of one of all possible sides, each of us remains a separate world. So, how to understand that your close man is happy with you in a matter?

Other people do not look at the head. Even when we are close, we spend along a lot of time and seemingly we know each other of all possible sides, each of us remains a separate world, with its laws and its internal life. And even a direct conversation, which is always promoting psychologists, is not always the best way out, because not everyone just talk about their feelings. Fortunately, we can always observe behavior and draw conclusions from it. So, how to understand that your close man is happy with you truly?

1.He looks at you

Yes, that's so easy. This is that united not only people around the world, regardless of culture, but even the most developed animals. We all look at what is the most pleasant, most interesting or most useful. This is an instinctive behavior, sewn from us in order to ensure the survival of a biological species. Therefore, in this plan, people are not too different from sunflowers. If you begin to talk and your partner's eyes are automatically moved to VAC, you can be sure that its spinal cord, where our reflexes are laid, consider you necessary for a further happy life, even if the brain may occur periodically with this disagree.

2.He listens to you

It's a bit banal, but if we are happy with a person, we sincerely interested in (and we will always want to know more). Of course, in a daily overloaded graphics sometimes it is not easy to concentrate, so if your beloved periodically forgets something that you have just told him, do not immediately collect things. But if love lives you, you will see that he sincerely interested in you and the state of your affairs and misses in memory what is important to you. Even a very incorruptible and loaded person will be attentive to that or to whom it is very cherish. And we all cherish what makes us happy.

3.He builds with you long-term plans (not only in words)

Internal experiences of people can be complex and sometimes illogical, but it is not necessary to complicate too all. We all want to be happy, and therefore keep close to the person who causes us this feeling. And to keep it means to offer something better than everyone else. Therefore, if people are happy in relationships, they automatically begin to build joint plans for further future. It does not necessarily have to immediately be a building of a common house or four children, but if you are figured in the plans of your beloved for the next six months, it means that such a future like it more than without you. But here it is important to distinguish real specific plans and just a general conversation that "it would be nice to go out somewhere together."

4.It shares with you with food or heat

Sounds like a trench, but scientists who study human behavior are convinced that such gestures - a manifestation of instinct, which was laid in our genes millions of years ago. When food and heat were survival factors, and therefore had a huge value. Now nobody screams from a piece of sandwich, but thousands of generations of our ancestors push us to share the food with those who especially cute. Especially indicative in this sense is when, your partner pumps you on your shoulders your jacket or sweater. This is a literally gesture that from the days of Neanderthals means "this is my woman."

5.When you together he doesn't look into the phone

Of course, we now live in times when all of the generated and literally physiologically dependent gadgets. But nobody canceled a key rule that a person directs attention to what is for her the most important. If a conversation with you is more important than the received messages, you can be sure that the partner puts you high in the priority list. It is worth matching him thereby, so you should also constantly look into the screen if you spend time together.

6.Do you have disputes

Yes, this will sound a bit unusual, but the psychologists of the solidarity - in in fact, the relatives of relations are unconnected. If you have never quarried in life, this means that you are not particularly interested in each other, or one of the parties in relationships is very dependent and avoids them at any price. Therefore, without controversy and differences in views, do not go anywhere. Another question that in a really happy relationship you are able to raise such situations with humor and mutual respect, which can even seem to be an external observer with the lack of conflicts.

Categories: Relationship
Tags: love / family
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