10 disturbing features of vitamins in the body
Of course, some nutritional weaknesses from time to time do not spoil your well-being, but lack of some groups of nutrients on a permanent basis can lead to unpleasant consequences. Do you have these symptoms? If so, it's possible time to give birth to vitamins.

Healthy eating is the basis of not only a good figure, but also good health. But now there are children - most of us do not always adhere to it. Of course, some nutritional weaknesses from time to time do not spoil your well-being, but lack of some groups of nutrients on a permanent basis can lead to unpleasant consequences. Do you have these symptoms? If so, it's possible time to give birth to vitamins.
1. C.uhie eyes
There is a constant feeling of dryness in the eyes, you often want to rub them, and the lenses are a real flour? Do not hurry to spend a bunch of money for expensive eye drops (which, before having a very short period of use). Most often cause of dryness - a lack of vitamin A. Fortunately, the lack of this vitamin is restored in the body very quickly, so you will feel relief already literally a week after the start of treatment.

2. Anemia
A small amount of blood cells, which, in turn leads to weakness, pale face color and tachycardia, is a very unpleasant thing. It is not easy to recognize, because its symptoms often seem only in the consequences of fatigue and stress. But the reason for anemia is an insufficient amount of iron. And it causes insufficient vitamin A in your diet. If you go to the doctor's not time, take more carrots and grenades.

3. Dizziness
If you often frost in your head, you should direct the doctor immediately, because this symptom can talk about very different diseases - from infections to the diseases of the nervous system. In the best case, its reason is a vitamin deficiency from group B.

4. Swelling in the mouth
If you periodically feel in your mouth unpleasant edema, and your dental problems can not see - the most likely cause is the lack of vitamins of the group B. It is their insufficient amount reduces the ability of your body to promptly treat microproducts in the mouth, which usually disappear faster than you can notice them .

5. Wrinkles
Noticed that wrinkles on the face are deepened in the eyes? First, make sure that you do not go to the sun without sunscreen and wet the skin. If everything is in order, but the condition of the skin is still not pleasing to you - rather you lack vitamin S. good news - if you quickly restore its stocks, small wrinkles are leaving you quite quickly.

6. Sints
Paid attention to what you have started to appear bruises very easily? From a slight blow immediately there is a blue spot and goes longer than ordinary? This is another important reason to do not take a visit to the doctor, because it may be a symptom of vascular disease. But there is a less serious reason - a deficit of vitamin C. His lack of vessels are less elastic, and therefore the threat of bruises increases.

7. Weak Desna
There is another feature that indicates the lack of vitamin C is blood on your toothbrush. Do not believe advertising, in most cases, to overcome this problem, you can not replace the toothpaste, and an increase in the volumes of citrus and sour cabbage in your diet.

8. A bad sleep
Each day twist in bed to a deep night? First, it may be worth less to sit in front of the computer monitor. His blue light is very poorly affected by making melatonin, sleep hormone. But if the dream does not go to you even after walks in the fresh air and glasses of milk, the case may be in a vitamin D deficiency. This is more likely because Ukraine, despite our rather sunny weather, is among non-acquired countries. Sun rays. Do not let you make a test.

9. Hair loss
The same vitamin D can be guilty of the fact that your braids become all thinner and shorter. The lack of vitamin D (which, we recall once again, suffers absolute majority of the population) leads to fragility of hair and nails. Want a thick sheveler - try to improve your food.

10. Bad Balance
Can you stand on one foot a few minutes and don't fall? If you are constantly stumbling and generally suffering from bad motor coordination, it may be in an insufficient number of physical exercises. But not only in this. You can also consume insufficient vitamin E. It is responsible for the state of your nerves and the speed of information transmission by your nervous system. Therefore, do not refuse nuts and oils, because they raise its level.

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