How to learn to love yourself: 7 simple tips

Loving yourself to learn very difficult. So, we understand what needs our body or brain, but it's all we do automatically, because it is so needed. But when the human's heart seeks to love, firstly, it is necessary to figure out your own feelings for yourself.

Loving yourself to learn very difficult. So, we understand what needs our body or brain, but it's all we do automatically, because it is so needed. But when the human's heart seeks to love, firstly, it is necessary to figure out your own feelings for yourself.

1. Change the relation to a feeling of discontent

Love yourself often interferes with a feeling of dissatisfaction. It seems to us that we are not enough beautiful, intelligent and it's all to continuously improve. You want to become slimmer, faster, professional, etc. The feeling of dissatisfaction does not give you to stay in one place. If you liked everything you would stop in development, but nature created the brain just so that you always want to change for the better. Therefore, it is necessary not to condemn itself for the desire to be better, and thank this sensation. But, every time, when the head was missing that you are not satisfied with something - fix it. Stop for a second let this feeling causing you not sums and a smile.

2. Forgive all images

Dislikes often sits very deeply in the subconscious. Roots are immersed deeply in childhood and school years. At that time, we were very dependent on the third-party assessment, but precisely in childhood a sense of dignity, self-esteem and self-confidence was formed. Can I adjust past? Yes of course. The main thing is to find the cause of dislike to itself and forgive all the figurates that did not notice, teased or offended you in the past. Just accept your experience, thank him and go on confident steps. Images to other people destroy us from the inside. So do not hold an image, but let go with a sincere heart.

3. Don't compare yourself with others

Many self-improvement trainings will tell you another. They will advise to find a gurus, a teacher, a person to be equated in his life. So, in order to see the goal, you can equate people who have reached dreamed heights, but do not need to compare themselves with all others. You can compare your achievements today with your achievements yesterday or a year ago. This will be much more productive.

4. Take care of your body

Do not treat your body very strictly. It is your multifunctional shell to carry out any goals. Take care of your skin and hair. Feed yourself with a useful meal, rest from loads, make your favorite sports, dance and enjoy every day. Allow your body to relax on a massage session or in the pool. Likes every one of your non-ideal plot and let yourself be a valuable and dear person.

5. Do not let violation of personal limit by other people

Not silent if you feel that someone from the surrounding people violates a personal limit. Do not allow yourself to remark or uninstalled advice. In correct form, explain that you can not. More often than a personal limit, people are relevant to you: relatives, parents, friends. Do not hesitate to defend your personal territory that you can not take a step. Do not blame and do not appreciate others, and do not let them do it with you. Comments on your new hairstyle, clothing or scales depreciate you. Therefore, it is important that emotionally you were stable and nightly indignant or upsetting you.

6. Conduct every day one hour after your beloved business

Find a place for occupation that brings you a pleasure in your life. In a daily routine we forget to make your inner child. Remember what you like, make a list of these affairs. And pay at least an hour for their implementation. If you are difficult to find an entire hour in a busy day graph - teach yourself to get up for an hour earlier in the morning. Let this time be spent on self-development, reading, yoga or pastries of pies. The main thing is that it really liked it.

7. Record what happened good throughout the day

Fixing pleasant moments in relation to your life, you will see how much an excellent happens every day. Involitic affairs will become weighty. You will see that your life is full of important episodes, and you are the protagonist in your life. Recording a minimum of three good and pleasant moments, you will learn to find a wonderful thing in things that seemed not noticeable. Follow how to gradually begin to form a feeling of love for yourself. It will fill you on the crown and will open the world.

Categories: Life
Tags: self-beover
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