Ukrainian stars on quarantine

Even Top Selebrity had to forget about his dense graph of tours and filming and at the time of pandemic to close in the walls of his own home. As those who are entering the whole country, are entering the whole country, in more detail in our selection.

Quarantine is common to all without exception. Including the celebrities: stars of pops, showmen, leading, in the word of all who we are accustomed to seeing TV screens.

Even Top Selebrity had to forget about his dense graph of tours and filming and at the time of pandemic to close in the walls of his own home. As those who are entering the whole country, are entering the whole country, in more detail in our selection.

Dmitry Kolyadenko

Epathous and is always busy in creative projects Dmitry Kolyadko on a quarantine opened a talent of the cook. On his page, the Shoemen installs shared the recipes of buckwheat soup for 10 minutes, pies, bread. And also mastered another original hobby - grows on the balcony of the Botanical Garden of New Year's Christmas trees.


So far, new talents did not open, but found time to help make it their sons. The most popular singer of the present has published a home video where dancing together with the boys. The monatics shows the dance movements to the sons that are skillfully repeated under the song of his father.

Tina Karol

"Being together at home is very cool. It's time to get lost the lost material and learn something new ", - the shades with the son of Veniamin are convinced. For their fans, they published a video, where they read books in the fresh air together and share quarantine tips.


Potap made it to release two songs devoted to quarantine: with a group Mozgi «NO HUGS NO KISSES» and NK "Quarantine". In addition, along with his wife participated in the Chlorentzhia #flipteswitchchallenge, where men need to dress in the female, and women in men's clothing under the hit rake song. It looks like a task Potap tried to do with their dogs.

Moreover, the artist not only participates in well-known chelners, but also launched Mozgi in bulk - #noxoxocllenge.

Anna Rizatdinova

The Olympic champion, as well as the recent and famous dancer (Anna became a silver praise show "Dancing with the stars") shared a personal Lifehak, how to go to the store for quarantine products. And would you be able to repeat an impressive way to shop?


Mamarika with her husband arranged a real family concert at home. Everything in the best traditions of quarantine isolation: no more than two people, homemade plaids, in the yard near the house and flipping with socks.

Recall that on the eve of the quarantine singer and showman Sergei Wednes, a wedding in Thailand.

Nastya Kamensky

The Nastya Kamensky launched the author's motivational course "Life in the style of NK", which tells about color practices, to customize life balance and teaches to rejoice life. In addition, the singer shared its own secrets of an ideal figure and the principles of a healthy lifestyle. On a page in Beauty Instairs, you can find many publications with useful tips, such as a list of programs that help control water balance, meals, MEAKAP master classes.

And also the singer recorded at home near the campaine "quarantnik" concert.

Nadia Dorofeeva

He called everyone not to miss, stay at home, follow all the rules of quarantine and do something useful for himself. How not to get bored - demonstrates on your own example. The star has already managed to take part in Mehack Online Battle with Hope Brezhneva, made an inventory of his wardrobe, took part in photo shoots through the webcam and in the same way sang a song in conjunction with an ex-colleague on stage - positive.


The artist decided to show all his knowledge and skills in family psychology and records a series of videos with advice, how not to part to quarantine. In the rollers, the singer shares its own recipes of home daily dishes and gives advice, as well as for food, you can comfort your half. The entire content is sifted with witty jokes and the scenes of the marital life of a star pair.

Alexander Pedan.

The showroom even in quarantine does not cease to take care of the sporting development of children, in particular its own. Alexander shared advice as in four walls you can attract Maleca to an active recreation. In particular, as a children's pot and socks you can create a whole band.

In addition, Pedan calls everyone to be active on quarantine and less "sit" in gadgets, therefore wrote a set of exercises on every day that will help to pump the body.

Sergey Babkin

Totally transferred its creativity online. Records with children and wife online concert "Apartment" and launched poetry in the evening, in the first issue of which I confessed that it has long been to share with fans with its texts of songs that did not enter and are unlikely to enter albums. Isolation helped to dare it.

Yuriy Gorbunov

Participated in Cheland # Manykarans under the terms of which you need to do what you did not do. The leader decided to learn to play a piano. His first debut performance recorded on the video and shared him with his subscribers in the installs. The result as for the already mastered skill is very good. Is not it?

Katerina Osadch

The secular leader in his installers raised a pain for all parents theme "What to do with a child in four walls on quarantine?". The star married to his own ideas, what to do with the 3rd annual child within the house. Among the suggested options games: cold-hot, sorting, hides, coloring, and more. Katya promised that such advice-posts will be published regularly, because Arsenal entertainment is constantly increasing.


The singer has opened a whole kaleidoscope of new hobbies and talents, including the skill of the TV presenting super-star launched its own online television "Polyakovakenye". Translation video regularly publishes in its account. Instagrams In the program, the online training series for "Queen" and video recipes are diverse. On the eve of Easter came the air "Call of Easter with Olga Polyakova". In addition to care and culinary skill, "Queen of the Night" showed itself as a turbulent mum and reads on the air tales for children.

Sergey suscularly

The most popular show of the Ukrainian business show finally created its youtube channel. Here, with inherent Sergey jokes, the artist is divided with signers with advice as not bored in quarantine - which movies look at what books read the ride.

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