12 wrinkles' exercises that bump the years from your face

In our time you can get rid of wrinkles with cosmetology injections. However, few people know that another, cheaper and no less effective way are ordinary exercises.

Elixir "Eternal Molody" is a dream of every woman, and apparently men. Wrinkles are the first "traitors" that apparently demonstrate the age of a person. Incorrect lifestyle, stress and even genetics are the cause of their formation. In our time you can get rid of the immigrant with the help of cosmetology injections. However, few people know that another, cheaper and no less effective way are ordinary exercises. Here are a few of them.

Exercises for an ideal forehead

Press the fingers of both hands to the forehead so much they taped each other. We try to raise eyebrows so that wrinkles do not form it. With a frequent performance, the fossa on the lobby is illuminated, and the muscles will accustom to raise the eyebrows so that they do not form a waste.

Exercise for the zone of sub-arched arches

The pointing fingers put slightly above the eyebrows. With a small, we pull the fingers down, and eyebrows on the contrary, while working on muscles of the female arcs. And already for the week of execution of such wrinkles, the brink is smoothed.

Exercise for folds between eyebrows

It is necessary to squeeze the middle fingers of the inferiorities of the eyebrows. The pointing fingers put directly above the average. Now it is necessary to slowly lower eyebrows as if I want to frown. At the same time keeping the skin, without giving them to be formed by folds. Low, relaxed and tried so at least 10 times.

Exercise for an area under eyebrows

Lift the eyebrows as high as possible. With the help of index fingers, fix them at that point. The eyes should be closed during this exercise.

By applying forcefully straining sharply, and then reproduce the eyelids with pulsating movements. It greatly helps to pull up and dislodge the obvinces of the skin over the eyes.

Exercise against 'goose quotes' around the eyes

Press the pad of pointing fingers to the outer corners of the eyes, and the average near the inner cubes. We are widely opening your eyes and at the same time highly raise eyebrows. The main thing to feel the tension of the upper eyelids during the way they will rise.

Exercise for lower eyelids

As in the previous exercise, we put an index finger-based eye corners, and average on the inner corners. Only now it is necessary to be high up, while highly raise eyebrows. The lower eyelids feeds. If doing everything right then they must be felt by the tips of your fingers.

Exercise for lower eyelids

We are widely depleted and clip eyes. In this case, the eyelashes are still stationary. Only the eyelids are involved in the exercise. The eyes open widely and clip with the efforts, as if we want to drown the eyeball. The exercise will not only help to get rid of wrinkles, but also improve vision.

Exercise for a clear contour of the tricks

Open your mouth and draw the skin inside so that it has been tensed on the teeth. The mouth with this exercise should be similar to oval. Sexual fingers are placed on the cheeks, in the zone which is below the bags under the eyes. Now we can feel and feel as muscles of cheeks moving your fingers and return to the initial position.

Exercise for the nose area

Naturally, with the age of noses have the property to be tightened. This exercise helps to make the nose of a more sophisticated form and find wrinkles near it. The index finger is slightly lifting the tip of the nose, while straining nasolabble muscles and the wings of the nose, as if trying to lower the bottom.

Exercise for the zone around the mouth

Take full air cheeks. We are rolling up a bet com from one cheek to another. Then under the lips, under the lower and under the top.

Exercise for the lower part of the face

Extract the lips forward and make them as if a tube. We begin to describe the rings, first to one side and then to another, upside down to the left to right. Exercise helps get rid of wrinkles that encounter an arote when we smile

Exercise for nasal folds

The index fingers press the zone of nasal folds. We compress firmly lips, literally in a thread, while overcoming the resistance so that the muscles were felt. Relax the face and repeat another 5 times.

Categories: Beauty
Tags: wrinkles / face
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