Ukrainian and overseas stars that first become parents in 2021

Last year, when the world captured quarantine, many joking that next 2021s we will wait for a real baby boom. As it turned out, in every joke there is a crumb of truth.

Last year, when the world captured quarantine, many joking that next 2021s we will wait for a real baby boom. As it turned out, in every joke there is a crumb of truth. Today we tell about Ukrainian and foreign stars and their small firstborns.

Max Mikhailuk

The 35-year-old Bachelor Max Mikhailuk married a 24-year model Daria Glyustun this year in February. The wedding was entirely secret and passed in a narrow circle of the closest friends. Already in the summer it became known that the couple became his parents: Max and Dashka was born a daughter they called Ariana.

Basilis Frolova

The photographs of the long-awaited firstborn in their Instagram-page this year shared the Ukrainian 43-year-old TV presenter Vasilis Frolov. On March 7, her son appeared to the world, the father of which is a beloved Vasilisa producer Dmitry Kotelets. The TV presenter is sincerely rejoicing to its new status and kindly shares with the signer photos from the personal archive, telling how to be mum.

Emily Ratakovsky

According to pregnancy of the popular model and bloggirls Emily Ratakovsky watched the whole world. Subscribers of her installation pages All year already miracled with a pregnant emil, and her in common with her husband and father of the baby cinema seller Sebastian Boer-Macklud pictures. On March 8, a boy was born a boy who called Sylvester Apollo, but in one of his interviews, the model stated:

"We do not know gender until our child will turn 18 years old, and then she will tell us about it."

Emma Roberts

29-year-old American actress and niece Julia Roberts - Emma Roberts - also became a mother first. Emma gave birth to a boy named Rhodes. And although the baby was born in just two days before 2021, we are confident that the actress is worthy to be on our list! Interestingly, when her mother accidentally confirmed the official pregnancy daughter in the comments of the installs, the star was so angry that even blocked her.

"It was a catastrophe! I learned about it in an airplane, so I could not contact it, I could not call. All I could is to write a message and ask to stop it. I blocked her, because it was my only weapon! At the second hour of the night, she asked me why I did with a sad Emoji. Then I, of course, unlocked it. Here is such an instagram war with a mum that I could not think about. A good story to tell the kid. "

Makoli Kalkin

News about the firstborn in the acting pair of Makolea Kalkin and Song Brands was pleasantly surprised by all the fans of the movie "One at home". Before the birth of a baby was preparing seriously and in advance, living at home with three cats, fish, dog and parrot. The name of his son couple gave a symbolic and special - Dakota. That's how the sister of Makolea, who died in 2008. The girl shot down the car.

Rose Leslie and Cat Harington

34-year-old British actors "Game of the Prestols" - Rose Leslie and Cat Harington - a fairly closed couple. They rarely allow the press and fans to blur in their personal life. So it is not surprising that the name and date of birth are still unknown public. With all those famous gender of the child - this is a boy, and the fact that a couple are very happy in his new parent status.

Emma Stone ..

Emma Stone and her husband Dave McCherie recently became his parents. However, there are no official comments throughout the pregnancy of actress from itself, and from its representatives, - has not yet been!

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