Here are many grams of fat that you should have daily

We talked with a dietician registered to learn the exact amount of fat that you should have daily.

Did you know that eating fat can actually help youlosing weight? Although products on grocery shelves, savor "low fat" foods to be healthier for you, eating a good amount of healthy fat has a ton of health benefits. More,to eathealthy fats Can help you feel full for long periods! But when it comes to eating fat, how much does it cost? How many grams of fat should you eat in a day and always lose weight?

In order to determine the number of fat grams that you need to consume a day, we consulted Dr. Rachel Paul, PhD, RD ofCOLLEGENUTIENTIONRIONISTIST.COM.

Calories determine grams of fat

To find out how many grams of fat you should have daily, you need to calculate your calorie intake. Because everyone has a different basal metabolic rate (BMR), the caloric intake of each will be different. In order to determine your calories, you can use the Harris-Benedict formula, which you cancalculate.

Once you have this number, you can determine grams of grease by calculating the percentage. Dr. Paul says thatNational food guidelines say that 20 to 35% of your daily caloric consumption should come from fat. It also notes that less than 10% should come fromsaturated fat.

Why you should eat more fat

While fat was previously known to be a food that consumers should avoid, a lotstudies and nutrition experts have demystified the myth by proving how to have a good amount ofHealthy fats in your diet can actually produce a lot of health benefits.

"Healthy fats offer many health benefits, such as promoting brain and nervous system functions,Cholesterol reduction Levels and reductioninflammation, "said Dr. Paul.

The types of "healthy fats", Dr. Paul refers are in fact calledMonosaturated and polyunsatured greases. These are the fats that help you feel full after a meal, which means you will feel satisfied for hours later. Especially if it's paired with a goodprotein source.

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Types of healthy greases to incorporate into your diet

To help you, Dr. Paul recommends increasing morelawyer, Fat fish (like salmon), walnuts, seeds, olive oil, coconut (including coconut oil) and yogurts in bold. Dairy is also an excellent source of fat, so if you are looking for a filling snack, catching a cheese stick is an ideal place to start. here is20 other healthy greases You can incorporate into your daily diet.

Categories: Healthy Eating
Tags: Healthy Fats
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