10 foods that are more sugar than you think

Although the tomato soup you buy from supermarkets will have sugar content each day. If you want to seriously reduce sugar, you need to know a little trick.

Not the secret that Sugar is not good for your health. Which we didn't talk about the natural sugar that we eat with fruits and honey Because the volume is very small compared to all sugar that we consume with products that look like sugar You don't have to chew cookies and chocolate bars every day to eat sugar - there are many products that are not sweet. Although the tomato soup you buy from supermarkets will have sugar content each day. If you want to reduce sugar seriously, you need to know a little trick. This is 10 foods that have more sugar than you think.

soft drink

Various companies like to cover the amount of sugar that they put in their products. And that is why they set various names to deceive buyers You may be looking for ordinary sugar. But you will see sucrose, fructose syrup, dextrose and anything. You need to have a chemical knowledge basis. To understand how much sugar in the product you buy Soft drinks are quite clear. But heard that 1 carbonated juice has 29 grams of sugar, which is more than the quantity you receive each day. Which women should consume 25 grams per day while men can consume up to 36 grams

Various flavor yogurt

Different flavor yogurt may be advertised as healthy. But not so Especially those with low fat - companies put more sugar to compensate for the flavor, the flavor makes the cooked yogurt have health benefits like a 1 oz, 1 canned sugar yogurt ice cream. So you should read the label thoroughly. The best choice is to buy plain yogurt and add fresh fruits and honey itself.

Aga syrup

This is often advertised as a healthy sugar substitution. Which is very far from reality This type of sugar consists of up to 85% fructose, which affects your liver and may cause a big problem in the long term. Your body will burn the fructose more difficult than sucrose. But in the end, no one is better than anything. Still, it is easier than your body to burn sugar sugar more than acao sugar.

Grano Bar

Grano Bar is not better than desserts that are coated with chocolate or yogurt filled with sugar. There may also be red sugar, honey or corning. And sweeteners that are not good for other health, half a cup of granar may seem like a naive dessert. But with about 10 grams of sugar if you feel uncompled and eaten more It will become a disaster for your body.

BBQ Sauce

Traditional barbecue sauce is pure sugar. Even if you eat a small amount BBQ sauce, just a few tablespoons, there is more sugar than you think of more than 33% of the barbecue sauce is plain sugar! You should be conscious and try to make your own sauce if possible.

Pasta sauce

Pasta sauce that is sold There is a lot of sugar ingredients. But with the body of that pasta Does not seem to be in this list Because it doesn't have a sweet taste But actually it consists of many sugars - which some sweetness comes from tomatoes And the rest is the sugar added To increase the taste better Half-cup pasta sauce There are 12 grams of sugar components, which is a good way. You should make sugar-free sauce. And you can control the amount of various ingredients

Dried fruit

Dried fruit seems to be a healthy appetite. But in reality it's the opposite Many brands use sugar to produce. Therefore, you should be prudent to watch the label before buying. But in the production process, the fruit is dry Will make the sugar in the fruit twice as much Therefore making the fruit dry There is a very high sugar content. Which is very easy to make you consume unconscious sugar

Mineral drink

The minerals are useful. Therefore, mineral drinks must be useful. Which the answer is not Because the mineral drink Causing energy to increase the body Therefore, the amount of jasmine is very high to 40 grams, low bottles, which is more than the amount of sugar that you should consume per day again. So you should turn to drink water instead when you exercise. Because it is what your body really needs

Various coffee

This would not be surprised. But do you know that The amount of sugar is in various flavor coffee. How much is the Hazelnut coffee? Or cappuccino glass With water, believing the vanilla Can have up to 50 grams of sugar per bottle or more Which is about 11 teaspoons of sugar So you should turn to drink black coffee instead.

Canned soup

Who would think that canned soup will have a lot of sugar content? But it is a source of sugar that is very If you are not careful when watching the label You should see the names of sugar such as Maltos, Barley Malt, sucrose, syrup, fructose, and more. And if you see the name of this sugar in a little numbers To know that The canned soup consists of too much sugar. Which you should be prudent before buying these canned soups

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