6 lies that you should stop tell yourself
Those words will discourage you from growth. And good health, happy, human being Which is toxic to your life Even if you are not aware of it But it is really toxic

We say lies with ourselves every day and is inevitable because lies are one of the tools that our minds use to cope with stress. Whether it is a little lying to motivate yourself to exercise more (I think I have been thinner) or a bigger lie to maintain the family bond. (Which the family meeting is not so bad) We need to use it from time to time. More dangerous is the lie that you tell yourself for many years. Those lie will discourage you from growth. And good health, happy, human being Which it is toxic to your life Because you don't know what they are, and this is 6 lies that you should stop telling yourself from now
'I will be happy after... '
There are many types of lies. But the main idea is that good will happen after some changes or actions This type of conditioning does not allow you to see the truth of the situation where you are and change the interest to the distant future. Which will definitely arrive You will hang the job that you hate for many years because 'I will take the money to keep and I will go on a trip. I will be happy.' Ask yourself better than what makes you don't do what you love now. Why don't you live happily? Do not change the focus to what will make you happy in the future. See what makes you happy here and now.

'I will start exercising tomorrow.'
Of course, I'm not talking about exercise alone - we often postpone the positive change in life all the time. Whether it is a healthy eating gym Go to bed faster Drinking less alcohol Or eat less sweets You can start It doesn't matter what time is the day. Because of entering a healthy lifestyle There is no timestamp. Tomorrow will not be different from today, unless you start making a little change now, even if it's just the exercise plan that you want to do tomorrow morning - sit, write, watch the app, install the app. Create your motivation. Don't just postpone the changes you want to have in your life.

'I'm not worthy of love'
You may not tell yourself straight. But this may still play in your subconscious mind like an unprecedented collapse. If you find yourself entering a bad relationship Which you have received bad practice to stop And ask yourself if you think yourself are really love and happiness? Then go down and see how you really love yourself. First of all, you should learn to love yourself and be happy with yourself. That is the foundation of happy relationships, including the relationship with you. You may have to restart from the beginning and familiarize yourself with your own desire, desire and desire. We spent very little quality with himself so we often forget who we are and what you want. Love yourself, your life and the world where you live and love will come back to you immediately.

'He will change because I love him.'
Having a relationship with many responsibilities If you really love each other, you can fix most of the problems. But if you are stuck with someone who blasins and violates your trust all the time, just love him is not enough. No matter how you love relationships, no matter how much you love and care about your partner, he will not change it. Unless he wants Your true willpower is not enough to change someone, just as you can't change your behavior or reaction just because someone tells you. Only when you know why you have to change and you really want this thing, the growth process begins.

'My dream is too big. I won't try it even.'
Great dream is one of the most important incentives we have in life. Have you ever heard about intelligent inventors, a successful businessman or a great actor who doesn't dream much? If you can imagine - you can successfully! That is how the work of things in life And if you start to move towards your dream, even with a baby, it will make your life meaningful and more fun. Most of it is not a result. But it is a journey that makes everything worthwhile Even if you want to go to space But can't imagine how it happened. Why not try it near it? Visit the cool space activities. Explore the night sky through the telescope. Visit the large observatory and inspire as much as possible. And who knows, maybe some changes will present themselves Don't leave your dreams because it looks unrealistic too much because it is really important.

'I'm not good enough'
This is one of the most toxic lies because it makes you don't have to do things that make you truly happy. When you think you are not smart enough, not pretty enough, and generally not good enough, you won't try what your heart desires because of fear of failure. The cute guy is flirting with you. But you think you are not good enough Wonderful work opportunities offer yourself. But you are afraid that you are not good enough There may be people telling you in some time, sometimes when you are young. Disting of knowledge, these understanding is deep in our minds. But the more you remember, the better it is. Do not hide behind this phrase and be brave - you are the only person who can change your life and live your life.

These habits are more poisonous than UV rays, ruining your beauty quickly!

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