7 reasons for using garlic for your health

Millions of people around the world eat garlic every day. But there are not many people who know that it really has a very strong medicine

Millions of people around the world eat garlic every day. But there are not many people who know that it really has a very strong medicine Ancient Egyptians, Greeks, Babylon and Chinese people know about the health benefits of garlic. And used extensively It is also a drug that has the potential to treat illness. And various symptoms According to Ayurveda in India Although it is said that it has side effects as well So you can use garlic in pizza. And your pasta But you can actually use it as a medicine When you are sick, this is the reason 7 in the use of garlic for your health.

Colds and flu

Garlic is a powerful immune stimulator. And will help your body deal with colds or flu in no time due to sulfur compounds that occur when you crush or chew fresh garlic. Which means you can get the most out of the consumption of raw garlic In the fight against seasonal influenza Use a few petals raw garlic. Or garlic tea brew with ginger And honey to get a better taste This will help increase your immunity. And relieve colds


Garlic is rich in vitamins. And the essential minerals for your overall health It has a level of vitamin C, copper, stainless steel, selenium, magnesium and two vitamin B6. The latter is known to be responsible for the work of the brain, brain health and good mood. Garlic has low calories, which makes it a complete health supplement. Your good


For thousands of years, our fathers use garlic to fight various infections, prevent parasites and removal of toxins. You can bacteria bad bacteria. And yeast infection The mouth wash made of garlic will help eliminate bacteria that cause tooth decay in your mouth. Although not the most refreshing treatment method Garlic consumption And herbal ingredients for a long time will make your body free from all kinds of parasites.

Causing blood pressure to be normal

High blood pressure is the cause of various heart disease. Garlic does not just help control blood pressure. But also helps balance cholesterol And reduce blood sugar All of this happens with allicin sulfur compounds that are in fresh cuts, grinding or pressing garlic. This means that you will get the most out of the garlic consumption that is not cooked because it will lose properties. Very medicile when you add as an ingredient in your meal.

Youthful skin

One of the main reasons that our skin looks tired and old is the lack of collagen. Which occurs due to eating Inappropriate Inadequate sleep period And stress All these factors lead to more wrinkles. Makes you look older than you care Garlic helps maintain collagen. And it can be used to treat various symptoms of the skin and fungal infections

Good health

You may have heard that The onion is quite able to refresh your damaged hair well. Garlic has some effect on beauty as well. If you have me to brush some And you feel too much to lose Bring garlic extracts (From Garlic Dix) and then rub it lightly Onto your scalp As you may know All hair problems involves your diet or your scalp. You have to take care of both health! You can also try the oil that is mixed with garlic and massage the head at least once a week. Your hair is very strong.

How to use it

Now you know that the garlic is amazing. Especially when consuming raw You may want to combine it in your diet. Make sour salad dressing By grinding garlic and mixed with olive oil Or sunflower oil You can also make healthy. Even with a slight foul smell Apply on toast - just grinding one petals garlic. Then mix with liquid butter for better taste If raw garlic is not suitable for you Just use it in seasoning, vegetables, soups and smoothies. There are also supplements that you can eat. Without smell at all!

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