Must know! Here are 8 tips on dressing to look young

Here are 8 tips on dressing to look young! What are there any tips? Check first list below.

Dress it seems to have become a daily necessity. Whether it's for activities outside the home and in the house. But what if you have combined the colors and types of clothing that vary, and wearing crowded accessories, but instead it looks like your mother? Wow, so it looks older?

Well, actually dressed there are ways to look no older, but instead, looks young. What's the way? Really right, this time we will share 8 tips on dressing to look young! What are there any tips? Without waiting longer, check the first list below.

1. Choose bright clothing colors

Do you know that wearing clothes with bright colors can emit a young age? Yes, because bright colors will disguise wrinkles on the face. Then bright colors are the main choice to make it look younger andFresh.. Some color choices that can be a choice are yellow, light green, light blue, or even light pink. Combine bright colors to color your days!

2. Use a motive that is not too crowded

The motives of clothes that are too crowded instead of supporting their appearance, but even annoying and looks old. Not only crowded, but the motives that are too big are also not recommended. So that the right motive to look young is a small flower or floral. In addition, try using small polkadot motifs or maybe small and not crowded boxes.

3. Use the right clothes

Besides color and motif, it turns out that the size of the clothes also affects you! Do you know what size is suitable to still look young? Yes, the answer is the right size, not too big and small. While for skirts, it is better to use the size not to the ankles to eliminate the old impression. As for subordinate pants, use the right until the ankles and not bent. Skinny jeans become the right choice because it fits the size of the foot.

4. Use a minimalist bag

Do you lover a large bag, or even a backpack? Eits, you must know that it turns out that using a backpack does not mean it looks young like a school child. In fact it looks strange and looks older. Therefore, use a minimalist, simple, and not too large bag. Some of the famous bag brands with minimalist designs are Chanel, Kate Spade, and Aigner.

5. Using accessories that are not crowded

If you want to look young, don't use accessories that are too crowded! The problem is, despite supporting appearance, but using accessories that are too crowded instead make the appearance more old. Then, how do you wear accessories so that it looks young? Simply use simple or simple accessories and avoid sparkling accessories with large sizes. Beautiful rings or thin bracelets alone have enough to support your appearance.

6. Use sneakers

Have you ever noticed the style of dressing Koreans who still look young even though they were head 4? Yes, our dressing style can we imitate, including the selection of his shoes. Wear sneakers or slippers to look like a young teenager. Especially if you choose a bright shoe color like a silver or white. Wow, it's likeOppa-oppa.Korean! Other options, you can use slippers with a present model. So it looks like a teenager!

7. Choose the right glasses frame

If you have a minus or plus eye, then avoid wearing glasses with thick box frames. Because the frame like it gives an old and adult impression, thus choosing a thin frame and adjusting the form of the face is the right choice to look more young. In addition, for color selection, it's better to choose the right skin color, don't contrast too much!

8. Follow the latest trends

The last tips for looking at young is to follow the latest fashion trends. As we said in the previous points that a good fashion trend to be followed was South Korean artists who still look young even though the age had head 3, even 4. Therefore, you better follow the development of Korean drama to better understand the trend of fashion What happens now. But if you want to know the fashion trend that is more hits in Korea, maybe you can follow celebrities with fashionable dresses and become role models of netizens such as Sivia Azizah, Tantri Namirah, and Intan Khasanah. Let's just go straightKepoin Instagram them!

Well, that's 8 tips on dressing to look young. You must combine all the tips above to make you live to the maximum! Well, do you have a uneg-uneg of how to dress? Tell us in the comments column!

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