6 Powerful Natural Ways to Prevent Wrinkles and Facial
We will discuss the 6 natural and powerful way prevent wrinkles on the face. Check the list below!

Face clean, healthy, and no wrinkles is the dream of almost everyone. So many who use expensive treatments to attain. However, there is still an easy and natural way to get healthy and wrinkle-free face. This time we will discuss 6 natural and powerful way prevent wrinkles on the face. Check the first list below!
1. Consumption of Omega 3 in Fish Oil
The first way is to eat foods that contain omega-3 fatty acids. The content is generally found in several species of fish such as tuna, salmon, sardines, and trout. But if you want more easily, enough fish oil consumption only. So, what to do omega 3 to prevent wrinkles? Associated really!
Omega 3 can protect the skin from UVA and UVB rays so as to avoid skin rashes and skin cancer. In addition, omega 3 also controls excess oil on the face thus preventing acne, dry skin and prevent premature aging. Automatic, wrinkles can be prevented naturally.

2. Often Gymnastics Face
It turned out that gymnastics is not only done on the hands, feet and body only. But it also can be done in your face you know! This serves to prevent facial wrinkles naturally. There are about 5 exercises you can face everyday practice. The first is the area of the forehead by way of exercise lying on your back, open eyes, put your hand on the forehead so that the fingertips are pointing at each other, and move the eyebrows and eyelids upwards. Hold this position for 5 seconds, it can prevent wrinkles in the forehead area.
As for the eye area, you can press the eyelids with two fingers, then pull back and open your eyes on an ongoing basis, for about 5 seconds. Then on the cheek area, fill your mouth with air and lift the cheeks for 5 seconds. Later in the area of the lips, say E, O and A, to widen the lip as far as possible for 10 to 15 seconds.
And the last is gymnastics chin and neck area is to sit upright, so that the neck and back straight. Then pull the chin down with three fingers in the middle and rolled to the lip area of the teeth. Hold the position for 5 seconds and feel the benefits. You can repeat the movement of facial gymnastics in all areas such as the above instructions for 5 to 10 times to prevent wrinkles on the face.

3. Eat Foods That Contain Antioxidants
It turned out that air pollution, food is not nutritious, and UV radiation can cause the body is exposed to free radicals, guys! Which can cause a variety of skin problems such as premature aging, wrinkles, and dark pigmentation on the skin. Not only that, free radicals are also not good for organs such as the heart, lungs, and stomach.
So the solution is to eat foods that contain high antioxidants. Because antioxidants are the main antidote to free radicals, thus making it harmless and relatively weak. Some foods that contain high antioxidants are nuts, blueberries, strawberries, spinach, dates, grapes, oranges, mangoes, and many others. Direct stock of these foods in your refrigerator yes.

4. Limit Sugar Consumption
In addition to the consumption of nutritious and healthy foods, you should limit consumption of sugar. Why? Because in addition to triggering diabetes, too much sugar consumption can lead to excess glucose in the body that lead to wrinkles on the face. Because the body that produce toxic compounds glycation and damage elastin, collagen, and even DNA.
In addition, rice is the staple food of Indonesia also contain sugar or glucose know. So you also need to limit consumption of rice to avoid wrinkles in the face. According to the Heart Foundation, mature women are advised not to eat more than 400 grams of rice a day. While adult men no more than 500 grams of rice a day. You can also replace it with low sugar or glycemic carbohydrates, such as whole wheat, brown rice, or corn on the cob.

5. Use Natural Ingredients Mask
Perhaps you will often find brandSkincare and beauty that have products made from natural mask. But if in doubt with its content, then you can create a natural mask yourself at home, you know! Its main ingredient varies, but we recommend is olive oil, aloe vera gel, banana and lemon. These materials can provide extra vitamins and nutrients directly to your skin, thus preventing premature aging and wrinkles on the face.
How to? Quite easily, soften main ingredients above, and apply on the face, and then wait about 20 minutes, and rinse with water clean and warm. For some materials containing vitamin C like lemon, can be at risk of skin irritation for those who have sensitive skin. So be safe, use a face mask 2 times a week, yes!

6. Sleep Often Face
According to cosmetic physician and certified facial plastic surgeon in New York, Dr. Konstantin Vasyukevich, MD, sleep on your back is the best sleeping position for maintaining skin health, including preventing wrinkles on the face. Because sleep on their backs to prevent skin friction and the buildup of fluid in the area of the face, particularly the eyes. Hansel Vasyukevic also suggest investing high quality pillow that feels comfortable and restful sleep.

Well, that's 6 natural and effective way of preventing wrinkles in the face. Additionally, you can compensate by exercising and not smoking or consumption of liquor. Keep the body healthy and prevent premature aging. Do you have a more natural way? If there is, please let us know in the comments yes!

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