8 UNESCO Heritage Indonesia Sanctioned
Well, one of the Indonesian herites that UNESCO has recognized is batik. But besides, is there anything else?

UNESCO, who doesn't know the international organization under this UN? UNESCO which stands forUnited Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization which was founded on November 16, 1945. UNESCO handles all the things related to education, science, and culture in order to increase mutual respect based on justice, legal regulations, and human rights.
UNESCO's main objective is to promote the cultural diversity of each country, and prevent the culture of a country to be stolen or recognized by other countries. So it is only natural that all countries registered at the United Nations are competing to register their inheritance to be recognized by UNESCO, including Indonesia.
Well, one of the Indonesian herites that UNESCO has recognized is batik. But besides, is there anything else? Take it easy, this time we will discuss 8 Indonesian herites that UNESCO recognized, besides batik. Check the first list below huh!
1. Borobudur.
Borobudur is the Temple Site of the Syailendra Dynipalu Dyech, which UNESCO has recognized as one of the World Heritage in 1991. In addition, UNESCO also stated that Borobudur was the largest Buddhist temple in the world, with a height equivalent to the 10-story building.
According to UNESCO, there are three criteriaOutstanding Universal Value.(OUV) which causes Borobudur Temple to be called a World Cultural Heritage. The first criterion is Borobudur in the form of a roofless pyramid, consisting of 10 sequential temples up and is based on a large genta-shaped dome. Furthermore, Borobudur is a combination of stupas and mountains, so it becomes a masterpiece of Indonesian architecture from the 8th century. And the last criterion is a lotus shaped Borobudur.
Meanwhile, Borobudur is located in Magelang Regency, 40 kilometers from Yogyakarta. In the Borobudur Temple itself, there are 1460 reliefs and 504 stupas which are the attraction of foreign and local tourists. Interested in visiting it?

2. Tari Saman Gayo
The next list there are Saman Gayo dance, which has been officially recognized as the World Cultural Heritage in a hearing in Bali, on November 24, 2011. Saman Gayo dance gets a criterion as a cultural heritage that requires urgent protection because it is endangered. Since then, it seems that Saman dance becomes more popular and often played in large events such as welcoming guests of overseas delegates.
Saman dance originating from the Gayo tribe, Aceh has a long history. Starting from the 14th century, which was originally a named folk gamePok Ane.. But in its development, it is often played on public events such as birthday parties, guest welcoming, and others. The unique dance movement, and the compactness of the dancers made it better known the world. Have you ever seen Saman Gayo's dance directly?

3. Irrigation of Subak rice fields
Did you know that the irrigation of Subak Bali rice fields has been recognized by UNESCO? Yes, because of the Indonesian government's struggle for around 12 years, finally on June 29, 2012, Subak was recognized by UNESCO in the 36th trial of the UNESCO World Heritage Committee in Saint Petersburg, Russia. Wow, really cool, huh! Indeed, what kind of irregular irrigation system is called this subak?
Subak is often used by farmers in Bali to regulate irrigation or irrigated irrigation systems, to plant rice planting. For the people of Bali, Subak is not just an irrigation system, it is also the concept of the life of the Balinese people and the picture of the philosophyTri Hita Karana,that isParahyanganwhich is a harmonious relationship between humans and God,Pawonganwhich means a harmonious relationship between humans and humans, andPalaceWhich means a harmonious relationship between humans and the environment.

4. Gamelan
Gamelan is a traditional Java musical instrument that is often used as a musical instrument in puppet art shows, traditional dance, traditional ceremonies, and other important ceremonies. Apparently, gamelan musical instruments have been recognized by UNESCO as Indonesian cultural heritage since 2014. Wow, it's really cool!
Plural gamelan used in traditional music in the Java area, Madura, Bali and Lombok, which has a tone staircasePentatonicIn the slendro and pelog staircase system. The word gamelan comes from the Javanese language which means hitting or beating. While watching gamelan music shows, you will also find some musical devices namely Bonang, Gender, Gong, Kendang, Kenong, Peking, Saron,Slenthem., gambang, siter,Many, Flute and fiddle. Have you been watching the show gamelan? Tell us in the comments, yes!

5. Ujung Kulon National Park
If you ask, "the oldest park in Indonesia where it is, anyway?" Then the answer is there in the most western part of Java Island, named Ujung Kulon National Park. In fact, the National Park was recognized by UNESCO in 1991 as one of the World Heritage-protected.
Initially, this region is an agricultural area surrounding residents. But precisely on August 27, 1883, Krakatoa erupted very powerful and generates a wave up to approximately 15 meters. It was of course devastated the region. But the aftermath of natural disasters, the region eventually recovered and became a protected forest area called Ujung Kulon National Park.
There are plenty of flora and fauna are preserved in the park, some of which include rare and endangered like the Javan rhino and the Javan gibbon in the category of fauna, as well asBatryohora geniculateandCleidion spiciflorumthe flora category. Well, have you ever been to Ujung Kulon National Park UNESCO recognized this?

On November 7, 2003, UNESCO recognizes the puppet as a work culture that is awesome in the field of narrative story and legacy of beautiful and valuable (Masterpiece of Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity). Of course, it made a puppet that is popular in central and eastern Java has become more famous than ever. Well, to make a very proud, yes!
According to the Javanese wayang shadow meaningful. The term appears as a puppet show performed behind a screen so it looks imagining. Each puppet show certainly involves many components such as a puppeteer, sinden and gamelan musical instruments. Have you had any luck instantly watch a puppet show?

7. Noken
Now let us move on to Papua! There is a genuine art masterpiece Papua named Noken, traditional bags that contain a lot of philosophical values. According to local residents, Nokens not just a handbag, but also reflect the identity of the identity of the way of the ancestors of Papua. Uniquely, Noken made exclusively by women of Papua, as well as symbolizing the female maturity. So a woman who can not make Nokens not be married to really make your own. However, the more advanced development of the times, it slowly lost custom.
Relief, precisely on December 4, 2012 in Paris, Nokens finally recognized by UNESCO as world intangible cultural heritage in urgent need of protection category as endangered. Since then, Nokens become one of the traditional Indonesian art world ogled. So we are also obliged to preserve Nokens as soon as possible.

8. Kris
Last List of UNESCO recognized heritage of Indonesia which is a dagger. Keris Indonesia confirmed UNESCO as a World Cultural Heritage Human Non-material since 2005. Well, boasts a yes! Keris is thought to have existed since the 9th century AD in the archipelago. An estimated origin of the name comes from Javanese Kerismlungker-kang biso mlungker ngiris which means tortuous could slice, so abbreviated Keris.
In addition, the form Keris also depicted in the reliefs of Borobudur showing people holding stabbing weapon that resembles a kind of Keris. Archaeological evidence that makes UNESCO recognizes Kris comes from Indonesia. Until now, there are still many people who collect Keris as heirlooms and sacred. In addition, there is also used as properties in traditional ceremonies. You are interested in storing a collection of keris at home? It has been prepared with various rituals that became the requirements?

That's 8 Indonesian heritage recognized by UNESCO. Actually, in addition to 8 listed above, there are still many Indonesian heritage that has been recognized by UNESCO, such as martial arts, spring rolls, angklung, and many others. Hopefully Indonesian art and cultural heritage that UNESCO inaugurated remain stable so it does not become extinct!

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