7 ways to deal with anxiety because of Covid-19

Most people feel excessive anxiety during virus pandemic like Covid-19. Especially nowadays there are many areas that have been categorized by the red zone, even the black zone.

Most people feel excessive anxiety during virus pandemic like Covid-19. Especially nowadays there are many areas that have been categorized by the red zone, even the black zone. Even though anxiety is often approached, but don't let your physical fall because of anxiety that accumulates to become stressful. So this time we will share with you 8 ways to overcome anxiety because of Covid-19,Check it out below!

1. Limit reading articles about Covid-19

If you read news or articles about Covid-19, then you must be careful. Because the news you will read can affect psychological conditions. If you read scary or strange news, you can be more anxious and stressful.

So, you should choose news from a trusted source that raised positive news about Covid-19 like the development of vaccines, how many people recovered, and reduced mortality in Indonesia.

Besides news, you can also read positive content about Covid-19 like how to deal withNew normal, a healthy way of life when the Covid-19 pandemic, or how to prevent the spread of Covid-19. By reading news and content like that, your psychological condition will be more stable and calm.

2. Build a positive mindset

Your mindset will affect the condition of the body and endurance. If you have a negative mindset, it will reduce your immune system and increasingly at risk of various kinds of diseases and viruses including Covid-19. Then you should keep a positive mindset. By making a positive mindset and suggestion, your immune system will increase.

Then how do you always get positive suggestion every day? Actually, it's easy, when you just wake up in the morning, it's a few positive sentences like, "I'll be fine." Or, "I'll keep your body healthy."

3. Diligently exercise

Limiting articles about Covid-19 and building a positive mindset will not be effective if you don't diligently exercise. Because if you complete it with exercise, your immune system will be more perfect.

Do regular exercise like 3 or 4 days, so that your body stays fit and excellent. You can do various kinds of sports such as yoga,push-up, sit-up, jogging, or morning exercise. Whatever the choice of sports, you better do it at home! If you don't want to exercise alone, you can invite partners, family, or friends who live at home with you.

4. Maintain a healthy diet

The food you consume can affect not only physical conditions, but also psychic conditions in your body. If you only consumeJunk Food, or low-nutritional food, then you will often feel hungry and overweight. Of course it will also make you easier to stress, even resulting in severe depression.

It has been studied byThe British Journal of Psychiatry which mentions that eatingJunk Food will make people vulnerable to depression. So, set a healthy and nutritious diet according to your body's needs by choosing food containing protein, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamin A, and vitamin E balanced.

5. Obey the health protocol

Living in the pandemic era is indeed not easy, but that does not mean you have to worry about it. Because the government has given the community to comply with the health protocol to avoid the Covid-19 virus. So, rather than anxiety, you better obey the health protocol from the government.

What are your health protocols? Based on the Ministry of Health and the task force to accelerate the handling of Covid-19 handling, there are several points that need to be considered, namely applyingSocial distance,Routinely wash hands with soap, do not touch the face area, apply cough ethics and sneeze by closing the nose and mouth using the upper arm of the inside, using a mask, and independent isolation or not out of the house if it is not needed.

6. Do fun activities at home

Who says fun activities just happening outside the home? Activities that you can also do at home. If you have a fairly spacious terrace, you can use it to play with family like camping, badminton sports, or just morning gymnastics.

If you don't have a spacious terrace, then you can do exciting activities in the house such as playing chess, monopoly, watching movies, making phone calls with friends, or just share stories with family. If necessary, schedule fun activities at each houseWeekend, thus making you avoid anxiety from the virus while adhering to the government's appeal to remain at home.

7. Divert attention by finding a new hobby or job

Who says it works it makes stress? If you live in a pandemic era and have finished school, it works will be a favorable activity for you. Not only earning income every month, but your attention to Covid-19 will also be distracted. You should look for companies that adhere to the health protocol, or even impose WFH (Work from Home), so you can work comfortably and safely.

In addition to working, looking for a new hobby or hobby of being the right choice to distract. Look for a safe hobby and do not violate health protocols such as writing novels, painting, or treating plants.

Is there a hobby that violates the health protocol? A lot of! Some new hobby like hanging out in a coffee shop or visiting the mall that is again crowded, we don't recommend it because it doesn't comply with appealsSocial distancing.So., find new hobbies and jobs that remain safe and comfortable to do during this pandemic era, huh!

Categories: Lifestyle
Tags: Covid-19 / pandemic
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