Pranayama: 8 reasons why we all need to learn to breathe properly

The breathing is alive - this simple process accompanies everything we do, be it sleep, work, exercise or meditation. When you take control of your breathing, all these things could still happen, but you will learn to act and improve your global mental health. Here are 8 reasons why we all need to learn how to breathe properly.

The breathing is alive - this simple process accompanies everything we do, be it sleep, work, exercise or meditation. In yoga breathing is called Pranayama, which can be approximately translated as the "extension of life" that Prana means "life force". You have probably noticed that when you have trouble breathing, there are all kinds of problems that accompany it - anxiety, stress, difficulty sleeping and indigestion just to name a few. When you take control of your breathing, all these things could still happen, but you will learn to act and improve your global mental health. Here are 8 reasons why we all need to learn how to breathe properly.

Stress reduction
We live in a noisy and stressful environment, which makes our brain keep us in the state of alert all the time. This leads to expenses of stress almost impossible to shake. Controlled deep breathing is one of the simplest and most powerful tools to help our brain and our body relax. It is an integrated mechanism that you should use every day!

Breathing and displacement is the only way to strengthen your lymphatic system, which is responsible for cleaning all the waste and toxins in your body. There is no integrated pump like the one that our heart has, but simply breathing deeply, you will help your system to clean completely.

Anxiety reduction
Controlled deep breathing directly influences the vague nerve into our brain, which is responsible for calm, concentration and low heart rate. The more you stimulate, the more the acetylcholine enters your nervous system and the more you reap the benefits of the respiration correctly. Research shows that it works better than any antidepressant!

It may not seem obvious, but deep breathing really promotes weight loss. You get more oxygen on your lungs, your heart and all cells in your body. They burn more fat - just like during an exercise!

Insomnia to cure
Deep breathing is the most appreciated for its ability to replace our combat or flying response (the sympathetic nervous system) and attract our brain to relax by lighting the parasympathetic nervous system. As a result, your mind is calm, you sleep better, and your heart rate slows down.

Endorphin Liberation
Endorphins are essential to our happy feeling, satisfied with life and relaxed. Endorphins also relieve pain and offer a global feeling of well-being. Just breathing slowly and deeply, you can become a happier person!

Respiration at high depth hold naturally leads to a meditative state of mind, which has endless benefits for all areas of your life. The breathing exercises give you a feeling of calm, calm the mind, improve concentration, concentration and bodily awareness.

Brain growth
Depending on the research, respiratory exercises associated with meditation lead to an increase in brain size. Some areas of your brain will grow when you meditate for a long time. Most of the time are domains related to sensory entry and attention. The musical zones of the brain also become thicker. Even when you get older, your brain continues to grow!

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