21 sentences that all children have to hear

These words can mean a lot and change the life of the child getting better, so try to say it occasionally and you will embed some future wisdom in their minds.

Raising children can be a challenge journey and there is no single way to run it. But, there are some important expressions that must be missed by children. These words can mean a lot and change the life of the child getting better, so try to say it occasionally and you will embed some future wisdom in their minds.

1. Forgive me

This is something that children say more often in their parents. But it should be a two-way pattern. Apologize for your actions when it has definitely happened and they will learn to imitate this behavior.

2. I love you

This looks like something is gone, but sometimes as our parents don't say enough. Especially in terms of relationships of father and son. Express your love regularly will strengthen the bond.

3. I am proud of you

Children always seek justification and make their parents amazed everything for them. So, show if their achievements are something that means saying how proud you will be it - it is a great motivator.

4. I made a mistake

Acknowledging your mistakes will encourage children to do the same and also to acknowledge that errors are inevitable in life.

5. I will always be here for you

Support is everything. Some aspects of childhood, like school, can make them feel very alienated. Understanding if they have parents as supporters on their journey are important.

6. You are very interesting as it is

We have very many strange beauty standards throughout the world, which can make children feel they are not born interesting. By ignoring these standards and remind your child over their attraction, their confidence will grow.

7. I am wrong

Some children think adults have never made a mistake. We know if it's not true. A recognition if it has made a mistake will make them understand if you are not perfect, and make a mistake is not a big problem. We do the same thing!

8. Let's talk about it

Communication is an important thing in building good relations with your child, just as teaching communication skills and ways to express themselves. It will also teach them to better appreciate the talks than violence.

9. I won't judge you

We all have faced judgment throughout our lives, both from the family, or from outsiders. By realizing that if his parents will not judge will help children feel safer in vulnerabilities and become honest about their experiences.

10. These things always happen

Occasionally, life throws oranges on you, and you just have to make orange juice whenever it's possible. Teaching this to the child is significant - sometimes things don't go according to plan and we have to follow the flow.

11. I forgive you

Giving sorry is an important problem in relation, both in relation to parents, loved ones or friends. Apology is important, but sorry also is equally important. It will free someone from the burden of their actions and give them what they have to hear from you, even if you have forgotten it.

12. I believe you

Sometimes you only need someone on your side to support and remind if you have had things needed to do many things, starting from swimming lessons to the science exhibition.

13. Do you need a hug?

Sometimes we are "torturing" children with more hugs for our needs than their own needs. If you meet children look depressed, ask them if a hug will make it better. Nothing gives more comfort than parents' hugs.

14. You are a good sister / brother

Why are children sometimes become monsters with each other? Because we bang them each other and put them in pause or punish them when fighting. But celebrating positive moments is as important as encouraging fellow siblings to do each other.

15. We do this together

Parents are the strongest support of children. Even if the ship they are riding sinks (they experience a vacant, struggling with puberty or having problems with his teacher), telling them if you are on the side they can make a big difference.

16. Tomorrow will be a new day

A bad day sucks, but the next day will be a new sheet. Instilling this mentality in your child can be very helpful in turning them into optimistic individuals - they will not be trapped on certain things and will see dawn that dawns as a new opportunity to better try.

17. Can I help you?

Parents often charge too much pressure on their children without doing mental health checking. Asking this simple question can help you to recognize your baby well, making you closer to them in the end.

18. You must be the perfect person

Perfection is something that is taught by many parents on their children, but actually it's an unrealistic standard. There is no perfect person and the earlier you teach them it to them, the faster they develop their identity.

19. Being different is not a problem

When you are children, it seems the most important thing is adjustment. But the difference is still something that must be appreciated. When your parents accept this, it will make their unsafe feelings reduced and make them proud of the uniqueness they have.

20. You deserve to be appreciated

Teaching our children about the foundation of awards is an important thing in teaching them about the importance of getting awards in relations, so also to behave with the appreciation of the people around.

21. I'm here to listen to you

Parents talk to children at all times, but how often do they really listen? Counseling guidance is not enough - Listen to your child's pleasure and struggle and do vibrantly.

Categories: Connection
Tags: kids / family
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