6 best air filter houses for collecting

This time we want to discuss the best 6 best air filter home plants for your collection at home, so that the air around is cleaner and safe from air pollution. What are the plants?

In ZamanNew normal This, a lot of people who have new hobbies like collecting plants at home. Is you one of them? Then you must know that plants have diverse benefits. This time we want to discuss the best 6 best air filter home plants for your collection at home, so that the air around is cleaner and safe from air pollution. What are the plants? If so, check the full list below.

1. Tongue-in-law

In addition to its beautiful and beautiful shape, in-laws in-laws also have many benefits that are rarely known to many people, one of which is to become a natural air filter in your home.

In addition, this plant is also very effective to neutralize the unpleasant aroma in a room. In fact, this dark green plant can also reduce dangerous poison compounds and radiation from electronic goods. Wow, it's really a lot of benefits.

How to treat my father-in-law is very easy, just put it in a place that gets sunshine and flush to taste. If necessary, use fertilizerSlow release In order for plants to flourish. Interested in taking care of him?

2. Bamboo palm

From the name, can you guess this bamboo palm from a type of bamboo or palm? However, the name is a combination of 2 different types. But actually, bamboo palms are palm tree plants. While the name of the bamboo is pinned because the leaves are somewhat similar to the type of bamboo.

Bamboo palm is very useful for absorbing air waste around the environment, especially those who come out of home paint likebenzene, formalin, andTrichlorethylene. Wow, it's very useful, huh!

If you want to take care of the bamboo palm, place it in the corner of the room and keep it damp so that he can flourish. Maybe this plant will invite spiders and insects, then use pesticide fluid to prevent it.

3. Pakis Boston.

Fern plants of Boston orNephrolepsis Exaltata Bostoniensis is a plant that comes from Mexico. But this plant has been found in Indonesia. This plant is very easy to care for. Place it in a shady location and not directly exposed to the sun. Do watering 2 to 3 days, and keep plants remain damp.

Pakis Boston has amazing benefits, namely neutralizing the air around it so that it can clean the air from poisons and pollutants. This plant also contains essential oils,flavonoids, And other substances are released into the air so as to reduce stress and depression.

4. Sirih Gading.

The next plant is the betel ivory that you can put it in the room. But you should provide media to pots so that these plants can spread in the media, because Sirih Gading likes to wrap the tree trunk. Or you can also put it in ordinary pots or hanging pots.

Sirih Gading can absorb dangerous poisons around them like from wall paint, household appliances, mosquito drugs, electronic equipment, and many more. How to treat it is really easy, how come. This plant adapts easily as long as you give enough water. Can you plant betel leaves can also be planted in water as an ornamental plant in the aquarium. Want to collect it in your home?

5. Peace Lily

Peace Lily has a scientific nameSpathiphyllum Wallisii.With an exotic white flower color. In addition to adding to your room aesthetics, it turns out this plant has amazing benefits, you know! What are there any benefits?

Peace Lily can reduce mushroom spores carried by air by absorbing it. So you can put it in damp places like a bathroom or kitchen. In addition, Peace Lily can also absorb dangerous pollutants such as steamAcetonBy,Benzene, formaldehyde, and carbon monoxide. So as according to his name, Peace Lily gives tranquility when you move at home.

Then, how do you take care of Peace Lily? The method is very easy, this plant requires lightingIndoor medium to minimal. Flush this plant twice a day if the weather conditions are hot. But if the place isIndoor And shade, then enough flush 3-5 days. Really easy, right?

6. Dracaena

If you ask the best oxygen producer, then Dracaena is one of them. This plant can clean the air more effectively than other plants. In addition, Dracaena can control moisture in the room and improve the mood of the people around it. Of course, Dracaena can neutralize dangerous pollutants likeformaldehyde, xylene, toluene, benzene,andTrichlorethylene.

Actually Dracaena has several varieties such as Dracaena Fragrans, Dracaena Braunii, Dracaena Reflexa, and others. But in general, Dracaena brings similar benefits. Do you want to take care of which type Dracaena?

Well. , that's the 6 best air filter house plants. Which plant choose? Whatever the plant, what is important you have to understand how to care for it, huh! Then , let us know in your favorite plant comment column, okay?

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Tags: plant
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