6 effective ways to eliminate peeling skin
Skin often peel and cracks are indeed unpleasant, especially if the condition is severe like skin red, inflammation, or itching. It is usually caused by several things like the skin too dry, the weather is too cold and hot, or medical conditions.

Skin often peel and cracks are indeed unpleasant, especially if the condition is severe like skin red, inflammation, or itching. It is usually caused by several things like the skin too dry, the weather is too cold and hot, or medical conditions. This time we will share 6 effective ways to eliminate peeling skin,Check it out below!
1. Avoid direct sunlight
If your skin is often exposed to sunlight in the less appropriate time, it can cause negative impacts such as premature aging, skin cancer, and burning skin and peeling. That happens because your skin is exposed to UV (ultraviolet) too long at exceeding at 11 noon (West Indonesia time). Because at 11 to 1 noon, UV radiation is very high.
How do you make the body not directly exposed to sunlight? Actually it's not difficult, you just wear clothes to cover your entire body, especially dry and sensitive skin parts. Don't forget to use a hat so that your face is more protected.
The second way is to use the solar veil typelotion, spray, gel, orFoam.. Sunscreen is very powerful to reflect UV radiation so that minimizes the risk of peeling skin and other adverse effects. When choosing sunscreen, you will find the term SPF orSun Protection Factor. What does it mean?
SPF is an information that explains how well the product protects the skin from the sun. Spf also indicators how long the sunscreen can protect the skin without experiencingSunburn.. The SPF value is generally 3 types, namely SPF 15, 30, and 50.
SPF 15 can hold up to 93% of UV radiation and hold up to 2 hours 30 minutes, then SPF 30 can withstand up to 97% and provide endurance for up to 4 hours, while SPF 50 can withstand up to 98% and can survive in the sun for 8 more hours.

2. Use moisturizing cream
Peeling skin is usually experienced by people with dry skin type. Therefore, moisturizing cream is the best solution to overcome it. You can use moisturizing creams that have been proven safe and good for dry and sensitive skin. Actually, moisturizing creams function so that the water in the outer layer of the skin can be held back, so that it can push water into the skin. Well, the content in moisturizing creams there are various kinds such as glycerin, jojoba oil, and others.
In addition, moisturizing creams are also not only intended for dry skin, but normal skin, oily, sensitive, acne, or combination. Therefore, maybe you will be struggling in finding the right cream, because it's confused about choosing which moisturizer cream is suitable for dry skin. But take it easy, we will share a little tips in choosing a moisturizing cream for dry skin.
Actually, it's quite simple, you need to avoid moisturizers that contain alcohol, fragrance, and many acids such as glycolic acid, salicylic acid, retinoic acid, andAlpha-hydroxy acid (AHA) that can have a negative impact on dry and sensitive skin.

3. Bath with cold water
Do you like to take a shower with cold water? Or instead shower often with warm water? If you have a dry skin type and sometimes peel, then you should avoid warm water for a while until the skin doesn't peel again. Instead, use cold water to calm your skin.
This is because cold water is very powerful to slow down the process of exfoliation and makes the skin increasingly calm. In addition, cold water can also bring some benefits you know! As for example, it relieves that the face swells due to the regeneration process during sleep.
Then cold water can also delay aging, make the skin loud, and refresh the face. Actually, cold water can also minimize skin pores, but only temporarily. In addition, avoid bathing with water that is too cold because it can damage the skin tissue. So, use cold water with a reasonable temperature, huh!

4. Don't get dehydrated
It turns out that not only the body can be dehydrated, but it turns out the skin can also! There are several signs and symptoms that your skin is dehydrated, namely the skin becomes dull and tired, scaly and rough, itchy, acne, and pain for the case of severe dehydration.
DermatologistFamous from America, Debra Jaliman MD, explained that when the skin was very dry, the humidity barrier was reduced and the skin became cracked. Therefore, to overcome the dehydration of the skin, there are several tips from it such as reducing the use of skin products that cause dehydration likeretinol, benzoyl peroxide, and salicylic acid. He suggested skin care containing glycerin,ceramide, orSqualene.

5. Diligently caring for and cleaning the skin
Cleaning dry skin and peeling may not be careless. Avoid rubbing skin peeling using a towel, because it can expand the spread of peeling skin. Conversely, the mild pat area that peels with a towel that has been moistened with cold water.
Not only that, you also have to take care of the skin until it doesn't peel and dry it again. You can use productsSkincare which is made specifically for dry skin. Usually, productsSkincare There are intended for faces, bodies, legs, hands and areas such as eyes, nose, and lips. So, you can chooseSkincare according to the needs.
For example, it turns out that peeling skin is in the leg area, then what is needed isSkincare For legs with dry skin type. Well, useSkincare It regularly according to the usage instructions so that the skin is maintained to the maximum!

6. Avoid irritation
Without realizing it, some daily activities turned out to trigger skin irritation, causing peeling skin. What activities should be avoided so that there is no irritation? The most common activity is scratching the peeling skin area.
Usually, we unconsciously scratch the peeling skin because it can't stand the very great itchy. To avoid this, you can use itchy powder that is safe for dry skin, or take a shower with cold water so that itching is reduced.
Well., That's the 6 powerful ways to eliminate peeling skin. Is you currently experiencing it? Immediately practice and let us know the results in the comments column. May we avoid dry skin and peeling, yes!

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