11 ways to encourage shopping with you

Often when you shop, either yourself or with female friends, you might see a husband or girlfriend "abandoned" who sits in a waiting room with a cellphone in hand and waits for "suffering" it ends. However, no matter how minimal the similarity you both have in shopping, there are certain ways to create a shopping harmony between you and your partner.

Often when you shop, either yourself or with female friends, you might see a husband or girlfriend "abandoned" who sits in a waiting room with a cellphone in hand and waits for "suffering" it ends. However, no matter how minimal the similarity you both have in shopping, there are certain ways to create a shopping harmony between you and your partner.

1. Invite him to the store that has a men's special part

He won't know what to do in a specialty shop for women's clothing and might end up like one of my girlfriends or moody husband sitting outside and counting minutes by minute. If there is a male area for shopping, you can both provide some kind of space for each and he will stop complaining.

2. Choose a store where he doesn't mind him

Don't invite him to any store as well as you know for a reason. It could be a perfume shop that the smell of perfume is too annoying or maybe he doesn't like the Hollister because the naked men's chest model makes him doubt his pride. In other words, think about it.

3. Make a kind of competition

It's no secret: men like a challenge. Make some funny bets with your man when inviting her shopping. With betting worth 5 thousand, that he will not be able to choose a better clothing than you choose. He might ask for help shopkeepers and other customers, who make the shopping decisions even easier on your side!

4. Give him a shopping list

There is no rule that he must sit and wait when you are choosing the best clothes forbrunch with female friends. You can always ask for choosing certain items you are looking for, the basic needs you need, or if you are in a mall, the need for other shopping you must handle. He does the routine and you are satisfied shopping!

5. Avoid areas that are too crowded by visitors

Especially while on vacation, going to the store can be a full-pressure moment, and even though most men have felt a kind of "claustrophobia" in the context of shopping. Choose a store that doesn't have too many visitors crowded for your either shopping event. If you have leisure time on weekdays, there will be less visitors than the end of the week. If not, consider getting out early to avoid the crowd.

6. Invite him to eat before

Nothing is worse than a hungry man. It might be real, but when you enjoy the second caramel Machiato and skip forever 21, your man might just think about when he can eat a portion of a portionBurrito.. Be sure wherever you shop there is a food court or think of a pre-game snack with one of his favorite menus to maintain the energy level.

7. Don't choose a store that feels strange for him

No man who wants to stand by restless around the clothing rack in the woman when his girlfriend is choosingThong which are suitable. Hypothesically, helping your girlfriend choose underwear will be a sensual experience, but when there are many other women and shopkeepers around you, it can make a man feel less self-control and feel like getting out of there soon. Tund your intimate shopping moments for another time.

8. Shop for him

Men hate shopping, you like shopping ... this is mutually beneficial! If the couple needs some new accessories at the toilet, you can offer yourself to choose clothes for him or if he decides to choose himself, go to a shop like H & M who offers the place of men and women at once.

9. Leave it to choose your clothes

Alternatively, you can let it choose clothes for you! Make it a kind of game and you both choose each other's clothes, if you like it. On the night the next date, you will both look very harmonious and you can thank you for the shopping date you just did before.

10. Preparation is key

It is ridiculous how to prepare a girlfriend or husband to shop turned out to be similar to the hassle when you invite children to come out. Preparation is the key to the problem of activities and snacks. Be sure to bring a magazine that he likes and make sure the cellphone is filled with full so he can play games and browse Instagram intake. Always prepare snacks and energy drinks to avoid potential fatigue.

11. Make planning

When bringing someone shopping, communication is important, but planning is also equally important. Make a shopping list, so you don't need to get around for hours. For you, it might feel like a child at the candy shop, but for him, it will feel like a prison sentence.

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