7 myths about marriage
It has long passed the times when girls grow up with dreams of marrying a handsome prince and don't have to worry about things longer throughout their lives. Men no longer pursue a figure of the wife and mother who is perfect for her children ...

It has long passed the times when the girls grow up with a dream of marrying a handsome prince and then don't have to worry about things longer throughout their lives. Men no longer pursue the perfect wife and mother's figure for their children. Okay, some may still be, but a common trend is about building a happy and balanced relationship with the person you love. But we are still affected by a lot of misconceptions about what it feels and the event is a happy relationship. Books, romantic comedies and TV shows also did not help to build an adequate idea of what marriage was. Now you can find more constructive ideas on social media because people always share real experiences and things that have been successful for them. So, here's 7 myths about marriages that must be forgotten if you want to be happy with the most important people in your life.
Myth # 1: Marriage will improve many things
Wrong, good girls and men, marriage is not the main solution for all suffering, depression and loneliness from your soul. If you have had one of them before building a relationship and have not fixed it, rest assured that they will reappear later on. Happiness or unhappiness You will not, I repeat, will never depend on external factors, which may be a husband, money or a beautiful house with a white fence. Many people have that and they are still miserable! Delivered before the causes of things that make you unhappy, use the service of a therapist (marriage consultant) if you need it and change into a happy person, who even becomes more shining in a marriage with lovers.

Myth # 2: He must be your good friend
Now, this is just a delusion that has spread some people as the number one truth. All relations have a difference. Your husband / wife may be the type of person who looks like you understand, but it all depends on how you are undergoing relations. Some pairs may be more romantic, others tend to create a little drama and no rules say you have to run to a partner with all the problems you have. That's the point of good friend! You know, they are there for a reason. Chat with your female friend about a bad day at work, by enjoying a cup of coffee, it's important!

Myth # 3: All must be as easy as fairy tales
Well, this is the reality - after you are bound, a real problem arises! A new challenge will appear by itself and you have to deal with him, whatever. A relation requires hard work, even in the happiest relations. It thinks that marriage is an easy process will only make you and your husband get a problem. Make sure that you understand your responsibilities and enjoy that trip!

Myth # 4: No conflict will not appear
Instead my good friend, conflict is an essential part of marriage or all forms of significant relations. Happy couples in healthy relationships will undergo conflict to solve problems, share opinions and find things that are really important for them. If you avoid conflict, pressing your feelings or naively thinks that your partner has no complaints, your relations will end with a disaster. Prahara will appear, sooner or later! The most important thing is to find similarities and reach some consensus that will satisfy both individuals at once. Then your new relation will develop.

Myth # 5: You have to do everything together, share every experience
It turns out this is a dangerous thing because in the phaseawal a relationship (or marriage), there is a moment in which both only want to be together 24/7 (24 hours, 7 days a week), share not only leisure, but also all hobbies and activities with friends. Living it like it will be roasted for a while, but then one of you will need a pause and it's a natural thing. Take time for Andasendiri, spend the afternoon with your favorite friends or books - all of them are important for your happiness. Marriage does not make you both really blend, on the contrary, each of you remains an individual who has a variety of needs, dreams and interests themselves.

Myth # 6: Sacrificing all the time will produce a happy marriage
While a little sacrifice in one thing is done by both sides will strengthen the relation, sacrificing all the time is the worst thing you can do for a marriage. If you ignore your personal limitation and hide the various suffering and pressure from the couple, you can slowly become very unhappy that the end is not possible to maintain relations. Openness and awards for the boundaries of each person are essential for building a happy marriage. You must open each felt uncomfortable, discuss solutions that enable your partner and do the same forever every time you find a problem. Be patient with each other and still deliver the trance.

Myth # 7: Stress will damage your marriage
There are various types of stress and everything is dangerous for marriage. Sometimes stress releases a creative potential that without it will not be available (such as a decision to stop working and do the things that you are at most). A decision to move the city or country can also cause stress, just as the process in deciding to have children or not. Avoiding full pressure situations will not save you from it, then it is better to prepare for themselves and use them to achieve the best potential of you. It can be concluded that long-term stress conditions must be addressed immediately because they will affect your physical and psychological health at once.

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