12 of the best girlfriends / wife according to the zodiac (from worst to best)

People use the zodiac symbol to direct many things in their lives - even about life partners. This is a symbol that is felt very difficult to approach, to the most interesting.

People use zodiac symbols to direct many things in their lives - even about life partners. This is a symbol that is felt very difficult to approach, to the most interesting.

1. Scorpio.

Don't be surprised by the running of the owner of this symbol. They love to have control in their relations - all of them. They are very blunt, so if you are a sensitive person, he is not the right lover to be together. They are not cruel, - just very realistic, and they have a high standard. If you betray them, don't expect forgiveness.

2. Virgo.

Virgo is known to be rather critical of themselves - lack of confidence can sometimes make Virgo difficult to think that they are good enough for their partners. Jealousy is a clear sign that might arise from the owner of this symbol and combined with the need for their perfectionism, it can lead to some self-destructive behavior.

3. Aries.

The first date with an Aries can run well, and on the second date they will bring their plants and ask for a table. Besides the urge to move this fast, they like to have control in a situation. These two things are sometimes scary and become distraction for men. Despite the tough ultimate outside, they are soft inside, such as caramel candy, but when they say something in a fight, it will definitely pierce.

4. Taurus.

Even though the owner of the symbol did not like to play, they were very independent and enjoy their lives as they were, despite the existence of a romantic partner on their side. Don't try to urge them or slow down, because a Taurus will carry out everything with the accuracy of the tempo they want. If you are interested in independent and hard souls, a Taurus girl might be valuable for you.

5. Cancer

The sympathy symbol places their hearts on the sleeve, and encourages them to become victims of manipulation in relation. This then causes trust issues, which makes it difficult to build relations with them. You must be patient with the owner of this symbol who wants love as much fear of it. A cancer can sometimes choose its own path, when it comes to what can be a successful relationship.

6. Leo.

The owner of this symbol is too much watching romantic comedy and their expectations can be ... very unrealistic, at least. They are interested in delinquents that don't want to strive, and most of them arise because they give too much and less accept. Although confidence, the decision-making expertise is not the best.

7. Aquarius.

This moderate symbol owner is usually strange, but they are not the worst boyfriend. They are smart, unique and lovers of mind-mind intellect. It's hard to achieve their loyalty, but they will remain loyal to all the risks. They often see shortcomings as something positive and can flood you with love, while their narcissism can worry about relations. If you have patience with an Aquarius, you will reap the benefits.

8. Gemini

Ah, Jackal and Hyde from the zodiac symbol. A Gemini woman has two different sides - on one side is a "social butterfly" which tends to be friendly, and the other side is more dark and loner. They might try to hide this side because of romantic needs, but their beliefs and loyalty worsens it. They love completely but often shows a hard face.

9. Libra

A Libra will always appreciate balance, avoiding conflict sometimes to unhealthy situations. You may have to undergo therapy with a Libra, because they are accustomed to hiding the problem rather than just talking about it. They can be very charming and sociable, which can be interpreted as too flirtatious oeh a romantic partner. If you are always jealous, dating a Libra will be a mess.

10. Capricorn.

Despite the "little daughter" this can be rather hard hearted and dominant, she always helps her partner to advance, but the opposite hopes they show the best while near it. He always defends his lover (even when they are not near him) but sometimes it becomes difficult to understand and be a little careful. If you have won his heart, look at yourself as a rare item.

11. Sagittarius.

This symbol can be the worst enemy for himself in terms of assessment - about himself. He put aside his needs, which is sometimes not the best thing to do. However, he is always passionate and never get bored. He will love you very much and think deep about everything he loves.

12. Pisces

This symbol owner is shy, making it difficult to be approached romantically. You might be attracted by this mystery, and instantly you grab a few of his beliefs, they will become a fan and cheerleader of your number one. They have a way to explore people in the heart of his soul, regardless of what they say and do. They are sensitive and able to read energy, and are rarely involved in fighting.

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