10 alternative massage techniques that you must try

When you order a 60-minute complete massage service at a subscription spa, you will not think of dozens of different techniques that might be available. Apart from just calming you, these 10 unique massage techniques will create physical miracles and also improve your overall health and comfort.

When you order a 60-minute complete massage service at a subscription spa, you will not think of dozens of different techniques that might be available. Apart from just calming you, these 10 unique massage techniques will create physical miracles and also improve your overall health and comfort.

1. Sha or "scraping" cave

In this technique, you crumble up with a spoon or a similar tool to produce bruising and light. He seemed to help nourish the parts of the injured body and encourage healing, and it was said to be drastically recovering pain. It feels like when you experience bleeding, even though they really don't, and according to them it is very useful. Must try everything at least once, isn't that?

2. Acupuncture

People are often afraid of the number of small needles put into the body, but it is one of the best gifts you can give to your body. And it's actually not painful (if you don't move). This ancient Chinese engineering can really help various health problems, including digestive problems, fertility, or menstrual abnormalities.

3. Deep Tissue.

This concentrated massage really fits his name and really works. Slowly asapan by intense pressure helps recover chronic pain, problems of posture or muscle pain. It is also known to help reduce pain from carpal tunnel and osteoarthritis syndrome.

4. Shiatsu.

Shiatsu is a Japanese method where masseurs put pressure on limited areas with their hands (and sometimes elbows) with rhythmic patterns in the whole body. It stimulates acupressure points to encourage balance and energy flow, and can help restore various health problems.

5. Foot reflection

Reflections or pressures performed at certain reflex points on the legs, which are associated with some organs and systems of the body. It can relieve things, from depression to PMS, to post-operative pain. Stimulating nerve endings can release energy and endorphins, so why not start massaging your feet today?


6. Massage with hot stones

Use smooth and warm stones placed at certain points on the body. The heat of the stone encourages relaxation and stretches the tense muscles so that the areas that are problematic can be reached easier. The stone used is generally a type of volcanic stone that maintains better heat.

7. Cupping

The bruises really look more terrible than it feels. And they will disappear in a week, so don't worry! Cupping provides amazing results for blood flow, and relax the nervous system. Good also migraine, anxiety and even cellulite. The sounding tool will be placed on the skin and provide recovery through pressure.

8. Kraniosacral therapy

These therapeutic techniques can restore urinary tract infections, insomnia and asthma. He was based on the discovery of centuries ago, where the skull bone was associated with the central nervous system, fluids and body tissues. This unique massage style includes finger pressure done on the waist, head shell and the lower part to encourage naturally circulation of fluid and body tissues.

9. Physiotherapy.

Have you seen advertisements from expensive seaweed or mud masks? That's basically this Physiotherapy. These therapy can improve dry skin, improve your health and immune system thoroughly. It can even recover fibromalgia and become popular because of minerals and other elements on seaweed encourage circulation and detoxify the body.

10. Aromatherapy

Combine various aromas into the massage process and are known to actually fix mood problems, stress and sleep disorders. These scents come from essential oils extracted by plants, and they trigger neurotransmitters and several other factors that control behavior and emotions, in other terms of your mood.

Categories: Beauty
Tags: health / massage
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