8 Belly Fat Burning Foods
Only your body is not seen from obesity or belly fat, but due to this, many types of diseases

Only your body is not seen from obesity or belly fat, but due to this there are many diseases. In this post we will know about 8 Belly Fat Burning Foods.
1. Green T
Daily 2-3 Cup Green T helps you to burn Belly Fat. Antioxidant called Catachin in Green T is found which reduces your stomach fat along with reducing weight. If you do with lemon and honey, you will get better results.

2. Almond
If you want to reduce your stomach fat, definitely use almonds in your diet. Almond contains unasanted fatty acids which are helpful in reducing stomach fat. Also, the fiber is found in it that hunger controls.

3. Citrus Fruits
Lemon, orange, kiwi, grapes come under Citrus Fruits. We should make these fruits a part of their diet because these fruits do fat. At the same time, they increase the rate of metabolism that is helpful in reducing fat. These fruits do not allow the lack of water in the body.

4. Evocado
Abundant monumentaled fatty acids are found in Avocado. Also, beta-sitosterol is also found that helps to burn belly fat. As a salad to avoco, you include your breakfast. You will see your own difference.

5. Brocley
To reduce your stomach fat, you include Brokley in your diet. It only does not burn belly fat, but removes your immunity by removing toxic substances from your body. This enhances the rate of your metabolism, which helps in reducing fat. It can use it as vegetable, salad or soup.

6. curd
You can use curd to reduce stomach fat. Yogurt works to increase good bacteria in our stomach. At the same time it destroys bacteria that enhances stomach fat, which helps in burning belly fat.

7. Oats
If you want to reduce your stomach fat then take oats with milk in the morning breakfast. The oats have enough fiber that improves your digestive action. At the same time it also controls the hunger and does not increase your weight. By consuming the oats for a few days you can burn belly fat.

8. Green vegetables
If you are troubled by belly fat, then include green leaf vegetables in your diet - spinach, cabbage, radish and other greens. They are found abundant fibers which helps digestion of food. At the same time, there are also hungry controllers, due to which your weight does not increase and your stomach fat does not grow.